First of all I want to say that I didn't watched (yet) first season. But I would like to see four amateurs included if a second season happens.Now that the Game of Gold has ended, if a second season happens would you want to see four amateurs included in the mix of poker pros? Why or why not??
But, when I say amateurs I don't mean 4 random people who doesn't know how to play or they just begin to play poker. When I say amateurs I mean 4 people who have different occupancy than playing poker professionally, but they know rules of the game and they practice it, but in their free time.
I would say one mathematician, one psychiatrist, one casino dealer and one trader (financial) would fit into this. All of them should have massive experience in their field (or similar occupancy) and as I said already practice poker in their free time (and they have already participated in some big tournaments like wsop or similar). It would be nice to see how they cope with professionals and where would they finish.