Most of the questions that I got wrong I completely understand in hindsight, and combined with going back to the relevant days shouldn't be a problem. The QJo, AJo and A7s
hands were the exceptions though, the first two have already been brought up and the explanations for them make more sense, I think I got caught up with paralysis by analysis during the quiz. (although I do hate you guys for being so extreme with min bet or shove the AJo, I despised having to pick either

A7s though; I took raise out and considered folding or, controversy, calling to be acceptable. My reasons being that I'd be getting 3:1
odds to see a flop with a hand that has decent post flop playability AND the biggest factor being that we are the mid stack with 5 people shorter than us, 3 of which significantly so (<10BB). If we call and get 3 bet by the BB, or whiff the flop we can get away easily and still be significantly ahead of the shorter stacks. If we shove and and get knocked out now we lose a huge amount of tournament
equity on a hand that's solid, but far from premium. The 6 and 7BB stacks are also about to get hit with the blinds so I feel like there's an increased chance of them getting knocked out this orbit. Interested to see your guys thoughts (again, maybe I'm just in paralysis by analysis mode lol)
Really great course guys, thought it ramped from the real basics like position at the start to some much more complex and challenging topics in the middle and end. Shame I just failed the quiz (9) but I've been running at a solid ROI in sit and go's since starting so something must be going right

. Very grateful to Collin and Katie for the quality of teaching and always being so quick and detailed to respond on the forums, been a lot of fun.
Edit: Forgive my smugness but I ran the hand in ICMiser..... It says push is a -EV move. I'm claiming a point for the pass!