Hello forum friends, I play poker online every day but I don't have the motivation every day, what do you recommend for me to always be motivated to play poker?
Motivation is a belief to play poker.
What you should do is improve your beliefs, there are many videos from mental coaches that talk about this topic.
For example:
What would motivate you more???
win u$s 10,000 in one day at the tables at NL10???
Or win US$10,000 in a year at the tables starting month by month, NL2, then NL5, until reaching, for example, NL1000???
Here is the answer to your question about motivation.
If you win $10,000 in one day, you will surely be motivated to play again tomorrow. But it could happen that you lose those $10,000 in the other 3 days you play. And from now on your motivation would collapse, in fact you would even fall into a possible depression.
The regular poker player thinks like the 2nd question.
He plays every day and climbs levels. As he increases his
bankroll, he makes shots at other levels, studying the players, studying the level of the tables, etc.
He in turn continues to climb, and maybe in a year or 2 years or something more he will become a high stakes player.
Where if you play at NL1000 and you are a regular player winning 3 bb per 100
hands, this means that if you play 4000 hands a day that any regular player does, you would win 120 bb per day, which would make your daily playing profit would be US$1,200 per day or US$36,000 per month.
For these players motivation does not exist. Everything comes by itself, from now on with all the discipline you have to have to become a regular poker player and reach professionalism.
There are mtt players who go up to 2 years without winning anything, and suddenly Boooommmm They win a Sunday million Guuaaaauuuu.
And he thinks, is there something that motivated them to win the Sunday million??? If he was a player who was losing for 2 years in a row.
The only thing that motivated him is to persist, insist and resist until the bad streak ends.