joke right ? I know its not but can't you see how sad that is ? a quarter of a minute every hand OMG !! can you imagine that in a live poker game .
4 you just need to play 4 tables , read a book , watch tv , surf the net and relax while playing . chill my friend
I actually play 6 tables, and yes, even with that many tables I still complain about people taking so long.
Its just so annoying, i would never type "zzzzzzzz" in the chat if the player was in the middle of a hand, or they have a hard decision to make or if they are facing a preflop raise.
But, there are so many players that actually take 15-20 seconds every hand when it gets folded to them preflop. The people that usually do it are people who are multitabling. My advice to them is, DONT MULTITABLE IF YOU CANT KEEP UP!
However, i do have a BIG problem with patience and i just dont think i could cope with playing live poker. Sad, but true. Still i dont think live players would take 10 seconds to fold 82o utg.
Yes I can, usually they are immature/kids, and they often do it when the person involved is quite clearly having connection problems. Also people are entitled to take their time to make a decision if they want to, if those impatient pillocks don't like it maybe they should go and play the latest FPS instead. The site will automatically fold their cards for them if they take too long, so you don't need some moron typing zzzzzzzz
I play on stars, and i always check players connection status before complaining about them amount of time they take.
I dont think the players that want to play more hands per hour are "pillocks". I think the players that take a long time to fold 72 and the players who multitable but timeout on ever street are the pillocks. Like i said in the above post though, i do have a huge problem with patience so maybe its just me.