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Most weirdest, oddest play, strategy I ever say for an MTT live game



Silver Level
Apr 24, 2005
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I played live Sunday night, and couldn't catch a cold. Got knocked out early, LOL that isn't the point. However waiting and railbirding watching my brother who was still in it. He gets to the final table, I am still watching. The oddest thing happened.. For the life of me still couldn't figure out this play of 1 person. I don't remember the hand or cards that came but remember the play of 2 players and the outcome. Flop comes 2 hearts and a low card. Player bets pot bet, 1 folded and another one calls. Turn comes a 4 of diamonds, this time both player checks. River brings a 4 of hearts and 1st player bets out a pot bet and gets called by the other player. 1st player does indeed have the nut flush, yet however player 2 has a fullhouse. Me and my brother on the way home sat there thinking as to why player 2 didn't re-raise on the river knowing full well that at most player #1 had a flush. Player 2 indeed had a set on the flop, didn't bet the turn and called on the river... I sat there in awe going you made final table by just calling???

I just didn't see the point... please if anybody has an explanation as to why would you just call a flush when indeed you have a fullhouse?

Player 1 has K,J of hearts, player 2 has pocket 7's.. when lol now I remember it was Ah,7h,3D the flop.. 4D the turn, 4H the river.

My thing is I am enjoying as of lately playing live, because the maniacs are fun to take down and there are players who really have no clue.
Genso Hikki

Genso Hikki

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Oct 9, 2007
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I don't think there is a reasonable explanation for that. He could have gotten paid off here really big if he'd check raised.


Silver Level
Nov 7, 2007
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Only thing possible is that he didn't notice. Sounds strange but I've done it myself. You get so caught up in hitting your set that you just don't think about or notice the pair on the board. It's bad and he definitely missed the chance to take the other guys stack, but it happens.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jul 7, 2006
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Some players really don't understand that you CAN raise. I know that sounds crazy, but live some players really are that horrible. I was dealing a bar league for awhile, and at least four of the players NEVER raised a single time in the eight months I dealt to them. Never.


Silver Level
Nov 7, 2007
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Some players really don't understand that you CAN raise. I know that sounds crazy, but live some players really are that horrible. I was dealing a bar league for awhile, and at least four of the players NEVER raised a single time in the eight months I dealt to them. Never.

I'll occasionally see a player online who I might have 100 hands on without a PREflop raise, but I've never seen anyone who didn't know they could raise. Crazy.

1 other plausible explanation for the OP: Maybe the 2 guys in the hand were buddies and he soft played it so as not to bust his buddy out. Very wrong but again possible.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2007
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Maybe the guy has stacked off to Aces or quads several times in the past. Or he has alot of other things on his mind.


Silver Level
Dec 1, 2007
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There are a lot of factors that could justify just a call with a full house. I'm not sure what happened before the flop but anyways...

1. If he didn't have the absolute nuts is a reason. Some very weak tight players will often just call big bets with the second or third nuts on the river. I've seen a 2/5 Limit hold'em game where it was at the 7th raise on the river (heads up there is no 4 bet cap at my casino) and the guy folded the second nuts, and he was right to do so (even though mathematically its a horrible fold).

2. Payout structures and the stack sizes of the two players. If someone is on the bubble and/or can coast to the final table, often they will play extremely passive against players who can cripple them or eliminate them. Getting maximum value out of a hand might be less important to them then survival.

3. A misread or the opponents image at the table. If the guy doesn't put a chip in without the nuts, then you probably can't raise in certain tournament situations, especially near the final table where payouts increase dramatically more for surviving one more knockout. I mean if this guy is a "Texas Rock" and he only plays aces or kings, then it becomes more difficult to risk your tourney life here. Maybe a misread convinced the guy with KJ had Aces or 44. But again a lot would depend on position and what happened preflop. Which weren't indicated!

Again these are all possibilities since the guy didn't have the stone cold nuts. In my opinion he either didn't know it, was convinced the guy had aces and made a passive Phil Hellmuth play, or decided to pay for information at a very horrible time thinking the guy couldn't call a raise...lol.


Broomcorn's uncle
Bronze Level
Aug 6, 2007
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Some players really don't understand that you CAN raise. I know that sounds crazy, but live some players really are that horrible. I was dealing a bar league for awhile, and at least four of the players NEVER raised a single time in the eight months I dealt to them. Never.

Ditto - I see this all the time dealing live.

I dealt my first straight flush last night. Talk about disappointing action though - 2-3-4-5 of hearts on the board, someone's holding Ah and another player's holding 6h. 6h bets (not much either, maybe $2K into a $15K pot) and Ah just flat calls. OK, there's a possibility you're beat but... sigh.


Silver Level
Sep 14, 2007
Total posts
Ditto - I see this all the time dealing live.

I dealt my first straight flush last night. Talk about disappointing action though - 2-3-4-5 of hearts on the board, someone's holding Ah and another player's holding 6h. 6h bets (not much either, maybe $2K into a $15K pot) and Ah just flat calls. OK, there's a possibility you're beat but... sigh.

WOW, that's quite a hand. I can't believe the 6h didn't stack the Ah. ONE card in the deck has you beat. Of course I like it when other people do that. I'll raise with the nut flush and a full house will just flat call. I'll be thinking "that saved me quite a bit of money".
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