Rock Star
Silver Level
well I will say this much
freerolls arne't the only spawning ground for idiots. I've seen people call 16 dollars preflop with Q5 offsuit when they are against aces. I know poker isn't a fair game and bad beats will happen, but it sure seems like a lot of bad plays end up being rewarded.
Whenever a person makes a bad play and wins against my good play I simply say to them keep playing like that and see how far you get, or keep playing like that and you will be broke before too long.
I am certianly not the best poker player in the world, but I do know that when I am all-in. 90 % of the time I will have the best hand and that's just the way it is. I am working on some other tricks to add to my game which I am perfecting so I will be even more dangerous muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Anyway best of luck to you all, and just a little bit more to me
freerolls arne't the only spawning ground for idiots. I've seen people call 16 dollars preflop with Q5 offsuit when they are against aces. I know poker isn't a fair game and bad beats will happen, but it sure seems like a lot of bad plays end up being rewarded.
Whenever a person makes a bad play and wins against my good play I simply say to them keep playing like that and see how far you get, or keep playing like that and you will be broke before too long.
I am certianly not the best poker player in the world, but I do know that when I am all-in. 90 % of the time I will have the best hand and that's just the way it is. I am working on some other tricks to add to my game which I am perfecting so I will be even more dangerous muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Anyway best of luck to you all, and just a little bit more to me