Silver Level
The all-in style is for the birds, then betting 3X the BB with low pair.
Are people actually learning the game or they just wing it cause they saw it on television?
I'll explain why? Reason #1 It becomes a crap shoot. Flipping a coin on 2 cards in hopes it comes heads when you call heads. #2 Your hand becomes more in danger when more than 1 actually call you. Now you've got more than a coin toss. #3 Do you spend your life savings on the powerball in hopes of becoming a millionaire? So why do it in a freeroll? I forgot it isn't your $$$ that you would be losing. So instead of actually learning any aspects of the game, you keep betting all-in and not learn a thing.
All-in should be called when you become short stacked late in the game. That is why you notice on television the all-in most of the time. You hardly ever see the beginning of a televised tourney. No disrespect to the players on this site who are very good. But the beginners have to learn a thing or 2 about the game. I have to learn as well, drop my ego at the door. It is going to be my biggest downfall until I learn to let it go.
In my opinion there should be some sort of tutorial or quiz one must pass before they play 1 single freeroll.
One final question, what is so great about going all-in anyway? Is it the rush? The mystery that someone may call? The possibility you may take someone out?
Oh and before someone says if we follow the book the game would be boring. Actually in all other sports, since the book is being followed the game hardly ever becomes boring. Only becomes boring when you aren't happy playing the game.
Learning to play winning Texas Hold’em requires reading and studying. If you read just one book about the game you will be ahead of about 80 percent of the other payers at the table. Spending the money for a good poker book is a lot cheaper than trying to get your education at the tables in a money game.
Are people actually learning the game or they just wing it cause they saw it on television?
I'll explain why? Reason #1 It becomes a crap shoot. Flipping a coin on 2 cards in hopes it comes heads when you call heads. #2 Your hand becomes more in danger when more than 1 actually call you. Now you've got more than a coin toss. #3 Do you spend your life savings on the powerball in hopes of becoming a millionaire? So why do it in a freeroll? I forgot it isn't your $$$ that you would be losing. So instead of actually learning any aspects of the game, you keep betting all-in and not learn a thing.
All-in should be called when you become short stacked late in the game. That is why you notice on television the all-in most of the time. You hardly ever see the beginning of a televised tourney. No disrespect to the players on this site who are very good. But the beginners have to learn a thing or 2 about the game. I have to learn as well, drop my ego at the door. It is going to be my biggest downfall until I learn to let it go.
In my opinion there should be some sort of tutorial or quiz one must pass before they play 1 single freeroll.
One final question, what is so great about going all-in anyway? Is it the rush? The mystery that someone may call? The possibility you may take someone out?
Oh and before someone says if we follow the book the game would be boring. Actually in all other sports, since the book is being followed the game hardly ever becomes boring. Only becomes boring when you aren't happy playing the game.
Learning to play winning Texas Hold’em requires reading and studying. If you read just one book about the game you will be ahead of about 80 percent of the other payers at the table. Spending the money for a good poker book is a lot cheaper than trying to get your education at the tables in a money game.