Silver Level
I hold a poker night at my house once a month. I started it 5 months ago and we have anywhere from 7-10 players. We play 2 buy in games each night. I have not won a game yet! Thats 10 games. Only 2 guys have not won a game and I am one. I will have to admit that I am not great at this game, but I am by far the best one at the table. (I'm not cocky I just think it is true).
Now I have been absolutely hammered on some hands. I've lost on K,K four times, playing them hard all four times. I've lost on A,A twice. Once early, once heads up. 3 of the K,K hands were rivers 2 of the A,A hands were rivers. I can remember 4 other hands were I was a big favorite and got rivered. All these hands knocked me out or significantly crippled me. That is 9 hands in 10 games that crushed me.
Last night was another bad one and I was steaming more than a pile of dog crap on the boardwalk in the summer. I had 4,000 chips (in lead) and the player I' am heads up with had 3,800. There were 4 players left, Blinds 50/100 I was on button, Caller in front of me, I raise to 400 with Ac,10h. Blinds fold, 1 caller, Pot $950, so now I am heads up against Mr. Agressive. Flop comes 10c,2h,4d. Mr. Agressive checks and i bet $1000 and he calls. The river comes 7d, so I have top pair and the pot is $2,950. I have $2,600 left and with my smooth motion I move all in. Well, he calls, He shows Ah, Js. I look at him and say, "are you gonna suck out on me again". The whole table laughs as they know I have been sucked out on so many times. Riverrrrrrrrrrr...............Jc.
MY Goodness! I got pretty upset, I guess I couldn't take it any more. I did not swear or anything but I certainly vented for a while. I had $200 left. Knocked out on next hand with 7,8 suited. Well, my wife said I was mean and kind of a jerk. I need to work on this. How can I keep cool? The pro's sit for 5 days and are cool when they get ousted. I was just sitting for 5 hours last night and I Steamed hard. I was still steaming at work today thinking about how much money I have lost in my club. I "think" I am outplaying everyone. Analyze my play here and give me some opinions. I'll take some Ideas on how to deal with losing also.
I hold a poker night at my house once a month. I started it 5 months ago and we have anywhere from 7-10 players. We play 2 buy in games each night. I have not won a game yet! Thats 10 games. Only 2 guys have not won a game and I am one. I will have to admit that I am not great at this game, but I am by far the best one at the table. (I'm not cocky I just think it is true).
Now I have been absolutely hammered on some hands. I've lost on K,K four times, playing them hard all four times. I've lost on A,A twice. Once early, once heads up. 3 of the K,K hands were rivers 2 of the A,A hands were rivers. I can remember 4 other hands were I was a big favorite and got rivered. All these hands knocked me out or significantly crippled me. That is 9 hands in 10 games that crushed me.
Last night was another bad one and I was steaming more than a pile of dog crap on the boardwalk in the summer. I had 4,000 chips (in lead) and the player I' am heads up with had 3,800. There were 4 players left, Blinds 50/100 I was on button, Caller in front of me, I raise to 400 with Ac,10h. Blinds fold, 1 caller, Pot $950, so now I am heads up against Mr. Agressive. Flop comes 10c,2h,4d. Mr. Agressive checks and i bet $1000 and he calls. The river comes 7d, so I have top pair and the pot is $2,950. I have $2,600 left and with my smooth motion I move all in. Well, he calls, He shows Ah, Js. I look at him and say, "are you gonna suck out on me again". The whole table laughs as they know I have been sucked out on so many times. Riverrrrrrrrrrr...............Jc.
MY Goodness! I got pretty upset, I guess I couldn't take it any more. I did not swear or anything but I certainly vented for a while. I had $200 left. Knocked out on next hand with 7,8 suited. Well, my wife said I was mean and kind of a jerk. I need to work on this. How can I keep cool? The pro's sit for 5 days and are cool when they get ousted. I was just sitting for 5 hours last night and I Steamed hard. I was still steaming at work today thinking about how much money I have lost in my club. I "think" I am outplaying everyone. Analyze my play here and give me some opinions. I'll take some Ideas on how to deal with losing also.