Silver Level
Is there software out there that will tell you your odds of winning a hand and takes into account villain folds. There is a thread in the Hand Analysis section that made think. It was basically what would you want AK suited or QQ.
My theory is that although we are only 54% to win the hand preflop, villain doesn't make his hand and folds to our aggression a % of the time. So, this makes playing certain made pocket pairs that more valuable long term to play. But what is that % that villain folds?
Given a set style of play (Villain always folds when he doesn't have a made hand and pot odds do not justify it) and (Hero always leads with a pot sized bet when board is not scary and there are no overcards) we should be able to determine what our ROI is.
Has anybody found software that can do this?
My theory is that although we are only 54% to win the hand preflop, villain doesn't make his hand and folds to our aggression a % of the time. So, this makes playing certain made pocket pairs that more valuable long term to play. But what is that % that villain folds?
Given a set style of play (Villain always folds when he doesn't have a made hand and pot odds do not justify it) and (Hero always leads with a pot sized bet when board is not scary and there are no overcards) we should be able to determine what our ROI is.
Has anybody found software that can do this?