A Member
Silver Level
With the exception of the few that actually make their living playing poker, it's a game for the rest of us. Was playing a Maui SNG last night on Noble and I lost on pocket pairs in the first few hands. Hung around won a few hands but was getting a bit short on chips. Hadn't had a hand in about 20 minutes when I got J-T suited (spades) which looked good at the time. Called the big blind and the flop came Q-T-8 with 1 spade. I now had a gutshot straight draw, longshot flush draw, and middle pair. I checked and a player raised about the pot. I was tired of folding, and due for a catch, so I called. Anyway, I tripped tens on the river and beat his queens and eights. The guy started to freak and blame me for everything wrong with poker. He started to quote odds, etc. I ignored him for the most part (other than telling him "I won, you didn't, get over it").
My question is this: Do you folks really sit there with charts and tables to analyze every situation? I have never read a poker book, memorized an odds table or anything like that. I just look at every hand, the situation I'm in, and make what I think is the best play. If I was playing for a living I'd probably be a bit more scientific; however, I play for the enjoyment. When a sport (or a game) becomes work - I'll pass.
Yes, I'd rather win than lose. Yes, I have made deposits at multiple sites so I'm risking my money. Yes, I don't like my pocket aces or kings losing. Yes, I have sucked out on the river. Yes, I've been sucked out by the river. In short, I'm gambling - sometimes I win and sometimes I don't.
If you can't take the game for what it is, a game of chance, and accept the outcomes - I suggest you find another pasttime...
My question is this: Do you folks really sit there with charts and tables to analyze every situation? I have never read a poker book, memorized an odds table or anything like that. I just look at every hand, the situation I'm in, and make what I think is the best play. If I was playing for a living I'd probably be a bit more scientific; however, I play for the enjoyment. When a sport (or a game) becomes work - I'll pass.
Yes, I'd rather win than lose. Yes, I have made deposits at multiple sites so I'm risking my money. Yes, I don't like my pocket aces or kings losing. Yes, I have sucked out on the river. Yes, I've been sucked out by the river. In short, I'm gambling - sometimes I win and sometimes I don't.
If you can't take the game for what it is, a game of chance, and accept the outcomes - I suggest you find another pasttime...