ok you asked for it
what kind of unfair decision?
Well here is the scoop... and "NO" Irexes, I didn't leave out anything that might incriminate me.... I swear. You can test it out for yourself.
As a student I don't have a lot of spare cash, so playing
freerolls and vying for bonuses is important for me. Often I just break even and the bonus is what gives me the edge. When I look for a site I look for the best bonus structure.
I was directed to UB by my rakeback provider and given a 100% first time deposit bonus and entry to their freerolls for playing 1500 raked
hands. Because I can only afford to play low stakes I have to play a LOT to make 1500 raked hands.
The UB reward structure is such that you get .1 UB point for a 10 cents pot. And UB points turn into cash at the ratio of 10/1 if you have Bonus Dollars. You get Bonus dollars from reload bonuses and from their Bonus dollar freerolls. If you play lots they have another bonus option "turn your UB points to cash" for those who achieve 750 or more points. For 750 they give you .03 a point for 1000 they give you .05 a point and for 2000+ they give you .075 a point.
Because I am between semesters and hurt myself skiing I can play a lot. And for March I was able to achieve 2000 points for two weeks running. All I have done is take advantage of their bonuses which anyone can do.
Their software is preferrential to low stake players.... meaning that you can leave a table with more money than you started with even if you fold every hand at .01 to .02 stakes tables.
Well I played my heart out for March, and I even used my rent money ($750) to take advantage of their reload bonus to get more bonus dollars. I know it's foolish to gamble with your rent money but because I play low stakes I was not in danger of losing it. Please note that
they solicted me for the bonuses by email. Then because I reaped a fair profit I get an email saying that I am a bonus abuser and they closed my account and they kept all my money. I wish I had paid by credit card so that I could claim a charge back but I used
neteller. Most of the money they kept was my original deposit.
You can check out my details. Just don't go after the 2000 point bonus at low stakes unless you want your account closed as well.
What do you say to that Irexe?