Poker Orifice
And Still...
Platinum Level
Several of my friends use real time solvers(google it) in game online
And you haven't reported them?!?!
Several of my friends use real time solvers(google it) in game online
Oooorrrr, another way to look at it is you're doing yourself a disservice by using HUD. Why? Well, now you've just created a handicap for yourself, imo.Or another way to look at it is you are only cheating yourself if you dont use it.
Please don't think that my intent is to cast aspersions on any other member here on Cards Chat, or any players elsewhere.
Until a week or so ago I had no idea what a HUD is, and I got thinking about them and what they do.
I think that using a HUD while playing online poker is at best unethical, though in my opinion it is probably cheating. One of the rules of poker is that every player plays their own hands, without advice or assistance from any outside source. A Hud is an outside source that gives a player statistics that it has compiled on other players. By doing so it seems to me the rule is being violated. Am I correct or am I missing something?
I can win without a HUD. You're only cheating yourself if you're wanting/hoping to win but not putting in the effort to make it happen.When you play live poker , are you allowed at the table to use charts or mobile apps or any programm to get help ?? I think not . I think it is not allowed . Why is it allowed online ? Huds give you tremendous help against opponents . Live you have to remember every opponent's style or weaknesses or tells or gameplay . Is it possible to remember everything ? No , it is not . But online all info for one player is saved , analysed , and you get all this analysis , his weaknesses , info about post flop gameplay etc etc . This is cheating , but it is allowed by poker rooms . So players like me that do not use huds clearly cannot win , especially if you take into consideration the other programmes that they also use legally or illegally . The only reason for me to play online is freerolls and maybe some low buy in games which i cannot find live . I cannot invest more money or time when I get cheated so badly .