am i getting screwed or is it just my imagination?



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 22, 2007
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ok heres the scoop, i have a roomate staying at our place and for the most part his been a nice guy and fun to hang out with. i'm 22 and his 45. anyway ever since he moved in 2 months ago we've gotton into playing poker. we play quite frequently like a couple of times per day, when we can. at first we played that if you lose you pay right away. after a couple weeks i had won $100 and then he won $50 back. after that we decided to forget about that rule since most of the time the debt didn't get over $20 so we decided to just play until their was a meaningful debt.

then this is what happened on thrusday. my family went away for 4 days and me and randy had the place to our selves. we got into poker like usual except this time after a few games i got up $100 and he wanted to go double or nothing. i asked him how much money he could afford to lose and he said up to $500 was no problem so i agreed to the game and lost. after a couple of more games i was down $300. we where about to play one more for $100 but he said after the game we had to talk about me paying him at least some of the money. i agreed and offered to pay him $100 but he thought that wouldn't be enough. but he said i'll take your snowboard which im selling for $400. anyway i got on a hot streak and won all the money back and got it to 0 then i played a few more games and ended up being up $160. he begged me to play one more for $100 the deal was if he won hed owe me $60 tommorow at the latest and he would have to buy a nice poker set which would cost $100 (but it would be his) on the other hand if i won he'd have to pay me at least $60 tommorow and buy the same poker set but it would be mine plus he'd still owe me $100 which i said he could pay at a later date. he agreed. i won! so i was up $260 and we played one more game for $60 he won and that was the end of thursday. the next day he refused to talk about the money he owed me or acknoledge the deal we had made the other day. he kept saying lets play some more poker. i said at least pay me $60 but he refused. he said lets keep playing its just fun let me get it down to 0 and then we'll talk about it. he claimed that he would never have played $100 games when he was up $300 but he felt like being a nice guy and i should let him play a few games to try to get it to even. i got very frustrated. id constatly ask him about when he could or would pay me some or all of the money and he just said i dont want to talk about it, go away and so on. this went on for about 2 days during which time we played a few more poker games. he got it down to $150. and again i asked him about the money and again he said lets keep playing till its at 0, im not going to pay you you can forget about it and so on. i figured whatever if i get him down to a reasonable amount he'd pay me (remember this is the guy who claims that losing up to $500 wouldn't worry him abit. this guy walks around with wads of cash in his pockets. i know it and my brother knows it. although you shoulda seen how angry and stressed the guy was over those 4 days. at one point he was so worried that i might steal some money from his room he had a jar filled with $2 coins and their was like $400-$600 worth of money. he brought it to a friends place because he thought id steal it. something id never do. during which time on a couple of occasions when he won a significant amount of money back he addmitted to being the most stressed out his been in his life, he claimed to lose sleep and have headachs.) he got it down to $110 and i thought man this guy could afford that. again he declined to pay me then he got me down to $70 and once again he declinded to pay me. we play 2 more games for $70 and now his up $70. i'm paying him tonight or if not then tommorow. i don't think i'll ever bet with him again but i want to deliver him a message and show him that im honest enough to pay my debts. what do you guys think about all this? also note that randys annual income is at least 3 times if not more higher then mine. so what do you guys think about all this? and what would you do or have done?


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 22, 2007
Total posts
by the way i forgot to mention how cheap randy actually is. yesterday when i was up money he came to the kitchen and washed some dishes some of which where mine. it took him 15 min and he demanded $10 for it. after i disagreed he said too bad, "if you wont pay me $10 for the dishes then im paying you nothing." so of course i paid him $10 for it. i got a bit ticked at his cheapness so i said im disconecting the cable in his room, or give me $10. i just got digital cable last month. i paid $200 for the box plus $40 a month for the cable. he said fine disconect it. but it'll cost you more to disconect it. a total f%#!ing retard! like i said this guy makes way more money then me and then yesterday he took his step daughter out to the fancyest resturant in town he easily spent $100 and then went out for a movie, just ridiculous.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 22, 2007
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ok heres the scoop, i have a roomate staying at our place and for the most part his been a nice guy and fun to hang out with. i'm 22 and his 45. anyway ever since he moved in 2 months ago we've gotton into playing poker. we play quite frequently like a couple of times per day, when we can. at first we played that if you lose you pay right away. after a couple weeks i had won $100 and then he won $50 back. after that we decided to forget about that rule since most of the time the debt didn't get over $20 so we decided to just play until their was a meaningful debt.

then this is what happened on thrusday. my family went away for 4 days and me and randy had the place to our selves. we got into poker like usual except this time after a few games i got up $100 and he wanted to go double or nothing. i asked him how much money he could afford to lose and he said up to $500 was no problem so i agreed to the game and lost. after a couple of more games i was down $300. we where about to play one more for $100 but he said after the game we had to talk about me paying him at least some of the money. i agreed and offered to pay him $100 but he thought that wouldn't be enough. but he said i'll take your snowboard which im selling for $400. anyway i got on a hot streak and won all the money back and got it to 0 then i played a few more games and ended up being up $160. he begged me to play one more for $100 the deal was if he won hed owe me $60 tommorow at the latest and he would have to buy a nice poker set which would cost $100 (but it would be his) on the other hand if i won he'd have to pay me at least $60 tommorow and buy the same poker set but it would be mine plus he'd still owe me $100 which i said he could pay at a later date. he agreed. i won! so i was up $260 and we played one more game for $60 he won and that was the end of thursday. the next day he refused to talk about the money he owed me or acknoledge the deal we had made the other day. he kept saying lets play some more poker. i said at least pay me $60 but he refused. he said lets keep playing its just fun let me get it down to 0 and then we'll talk about it. he claimed that he would never have played $100 games when he was up $300 but he felt like being a nice guy and i should let him play a few games to try to get it to even. i got very frustrated. id constatly ask him about when he could or would pay me some or all of the money and he just said i dont want to talk about it, go away and so on. this went on for about 2 days during which time we played a few more poker games. he got it down to $150. and again i asked him about the money and again he said lets keep playing till its at 0, im not going to pay you you can forget about it and so on. i figured whatever if i get him down to a reasonable amount he'd pay me (remember this is the guy who claims that losing up to $500 wouldn't worry him abit. this guy walks around with wads of cash in his pockets. i know it and my brother knows it. although you shoulda seen how angry and stressed the guy was over those 4 days. at one point he was so worried that i might steal some money from his room he had a jar filled with $2 coins and their was like $400-$600 worth of money. he brought it to a friends place because he thought id steal it. something id never do. during which time on a couple of occasions when he won a significant amount of money back he addmitted to being the most stressed out his been in his life, he claimed to lose sleep and have headachs.) he got it down to $110 and i thought man this guy could afford that. again he declined to pay me then he got me down to $70 and once again he declinded to pay me. we play 2 more games for $70 and now his up $70. i'm paying him tonight or if not then tommorow. i don't think i'll ever bet with him again but i want to deliver him a message and show him that im honest enough to pay my debts. what do you guys think about all this? also note that randys annual income is at least 3 times if not more higher then mine. so what do you guys think about all this? and what would you do or have done?


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 22, 2007
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this just gets more hilarious, i forgot to mention another cheap tactic that he used. about a week or two ago i came home and i was locked out of my house. i couldn't get in but then i found one of the bedroom windows was unlocked but still closed. i couldn't reach it by foot so i searched for something to elevate myself. on the deck i found one of randys tables (that he obviously didn't care to much about, other wise he woulda never left it their.). anyway i used it to get into the house unfortuntly the thing kinda collapsed under me. and 2 legs fell off of it. i didnt think much of it. i mean the table is a piece of sh!t. its got scratches all over it, the paint is chiped in many places. the wood is cracked in many places. the collapse of it was inevitable. when randy got home i told him about it. after he thought about it for a bit he said i owed him $100. he claimed that in mint condition it was worth $300 easy and that it was a 1920's antique. he said in that condition that it was in hed still get $100 for it easy. he then said pay me $100 or pay to have it fixed by some professional wood worker who'd charge $50. i never took a close look at it but i put the broken table on the deck and it sat their for about a week. yesterday when i was up $140 he brought the table up again and said that i owed him $100 for it and he said that means, "i pretty much owe you nothing". the table is really a joke though. youd be lucky to get $40 for it. i mean i bought a nice used wood table for $40 a couple of months ago and its quite a bit nicer and in way better shape. anyway last night i went outside to take a close look at it and to see if i could fix it. i found that nothing much was wrong with it in terms of the damage that i had done; 2 of the screws where bent so i just re bended them and then screwed the table together and tightened the 2 other legs also. i told randy that it was fixed and that he should go take a look at it and he was depressed at the time and said hed look at it tommorow. after he beat me for the last time today (the $70) he mentioned that the table was in fine shape now and was very pleased. is this guy a scam artist or what. i can't beleive a word he says. he tells me all these wild storys and i used to believe him but now i doubt 70% of them. ive learned he loves to lie. and he claims to be totally honest.
ohh and another thing he did while we played poker. he has a very bad habit of looking at other players cards ever since i started playing poker with him. for example if i make a big bet and he folds he'll get your cards and turn them over to see what the other player had. so on thursday we made a new rule that if either of us look at the cards that the "looker" would be charged 5 red chips (the most valuable chips). he agreed. i asked him again if he totally understood the rule and he said yes 5 red chips for looking and something like, "you have my mans word". anyway during the course of all those games he looked at my cards on at least 4 occaions when i caught him. each time i demanded my 5 red chips and each time he said "no" and when i attempted to grab them from his side of the table he said, "dont you dare touch those, if you take them i'll quit and not pay you anything." so of course i had to let him have his way again. but he said next time hed sufffer the consequences, but guess what he lied again and said the same thing that hed quit and not pay. on one occasion he ended up winning the game and said, "i shoulda just gave you those 5 chips, i still woulda beat you anyway."
lastly during our second to last game i told him that he was a d!ck. he looked at me with great seriousness and said something like, "if your saying that as a joke then thats ok, but if you actually mean it thats sad. and i said yeah i actually mean it and he said yeah michael i know you do but you really shouldn't." is this guy messed or what?


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
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i feel like im there with you when you're telling these. haha i love the stories though.

btw, he sounds less like a 45 year old and more like a 4 or 5 year old only child. i'd beat the fvck out of him if it were me.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
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Throw him out, he's only interested in taking what he can get. You don't want someone this untrustworthy anywhere near your stuff.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 8, 2006
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1.) Change the locks and dont let him know...
2.) Put hair removal stuff in his shampoo
3.) Exlax is a great investment
4.) Toothbrush + toilet after mexican food ;)


Bronze Level
Aug 18, 2006
Total posts
when he goes out one day, change the locks, check the windows to make sure they're locked and leave his stuff outside for him when he comes home and make sure you have somewhere to go for the next 24hrs, by the way it sounds his name probably is not on the lease agreement and therefore he has no proof that he lives there.
He's not getting back in while your out.....send him a message.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 5, 2006
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I'ma have to agree with joose and say pop him one in the face.

And never gamble with him again.. No point in gambling with someone that isn't ever going to pay you


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
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Wow, I can't believe I read the whole thing!

Don't do anything, just promise you'll post every Monday morning about what you and Randy got up to in the week.


Silver Level
Jun 19, 2006
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Just hit him so hard with the left, he would be screaming for a right.


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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Michael. I can't type yet for laughing. I can't believe you wrote all that lol. Umm - you need a new roommate. And only play poker for cash on the barrellhead.

But hon, really do keep us posted. I want to know how long you allow this to go on. And what else Randy tries to pull on you. We have all known a Randy before.

$10 for washing the dishes in the house you let him live in lol.

Good luck!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2005
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I understand you living with mom &'re 22. A 45 year old roommate I don't understand. Here is my grandfatherly advice:

1. Tell your room mate to get his own place...and a life.
2. Stop playing poker and put your money into a college fund, graduate, and THEN play poker.


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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"you have my man's word" - that should be somebody's signature lol.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 16, 2006
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OMG i think i shat myself!!!!

but on a serious side you should tell him to get the hell out man this guy sounds like his conning u all the way..i hate those sort of people and he will only ever bring u down in life in any aspect.

P.S kick his ass and then kick him out......

P.P.S once out, proceed to kick his ass again....

P.P.P.S revenge is also good...stepdaughter???


Silver Level
Oct 1, 2006
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You should pop him 1 and then kick him out 3am would be the best time i think:D


RIP Logic, Sanity, and Democracy
Jan 10, 2007
Total posts
You should pop him 1 and then kick him out 3am would be the best time i think:D
Tempting....very tempting....I'd probably do just that...but then again I tend to "tilt".

From what he's been saying about this loser, he'd most likely sue mom and pop....
I'd stop playing/talking/acknowledging his existence and chalk it a cheap "lesson in life"...

and if he's "renting from mom and pop" be sure to mention the "wads of cash" and the possibility this guy is up to no good....

"drifter personality" + "wads of cash" = run, don't walk to the nearest exit


Silver Level
Apr 20, 2005
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This is your typical freeloader. He only really wants to get money from you. Why are you paying him anything? He will only try to collect bebts from you when you are behind and want to keep playing when he is behind.

IF, and I don't recommend it, you play any more games for money with him, the money needs to be infront of you and payed on the spot or you don't play. That goes for both of you.


Silver Level
Apr 20, 2005
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Holy crap. I read your first one last night and decided to post. I now have read the other two.

This is alot more serious than just getting screwed on your gambling. This guy has some mental problems. You need to boot him out of the apartment or get out yourself. I would lock him out and not let him back in. What does he do that he makes all that money but can't pay when he is behind? He charges you $10 to do dishes when I am guessing that 1/2 of them are his. This guy will not change. He has been like this for 45 yrs and gotten away with it.

You don't want to go toe to toe with someone like this and try to nickel and dime him back. The cable is a good idea. Lock the food that you buy, put a lock on your bedroom door, etc. Keep an inventory of your more valuable things and check on them to make sure they are all there once in awhile. These types will steal from you if they don't think you are giving them what they DESERVE in their own mind. Don't give him a chance to freeload off of anything you have or he will. You may feel like a prisioner in your own house but you are already at his mercy the way he is acting. The locks are just for your protection.

I did this once, but my roommate was not as bad as yours. As soon as he realizes that he can't get to your stuff, get money out of you and control you he will lose interest. Hopefully then he will move out on his own to find a better sucker.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 16, 2006
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I'm on board w/ the poster that said "I can't believe I just read all that". I can't believe I just read all that - LOL...

Seriously...I'd rather live in an efficiency appt than live w/ a roomate like that. $10 for doing your dishes? Bye Bye...

So you lose, he wants money immediately. You win, and he's a loafer.

I agree - kick him out...but in the meantime, keep posting - reminds me I don't have it so bad...LOL...


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 22, 2007
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i posted this on another forum and someone said: "Looking at cards is a great way to get your ass kicked. Good luck doing that at some of the games I go to."

funny thing is before randy got in such debt against me he would tell me some great stories about how if you ever used inproper edicate in poker games with serious poker player; for example, not paying your debts, looking at cards and so on. that that would be the greatest sin at a poker table. and that you'd be banned from playing and probeblly get your head knocked out a few times. ironic that it was coming from him.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 22, 2007
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