Randomness and Heads up game help suggestions?



Silver Level
Jan 2, 2010
Total posts
Hey, guys. I stumble on here once in a blue moon and here I am again.

Allow me to get personal: My hard drive crashed a couple of weeks ago and I've been without a personal computer. I'm using the "family" computer right now which requires a restart pretty much every day because it's been loaded with so much crap, so yeah.

For the most part, I've been sticking to my regular live Monday night STT and have been cashing fairly consistently. I still believe my live game is much, much stronger than my online game, although, I do pretty well in single table SNGs.

Anyway, I've been reading "Harrington on Online Cash Games" and when I finish(I'm about half way through), I plan on writing a review on here. In the mean time, I've been trying to start at the bottom and I just can't (sadly) seem to stay consistent on cash tables because I get bored easily online.

Now to the point, I've been cashing in 6-max SNGs but have a lot of 2nd place finishes. I think this means that my heads up game obviously needs work. I was just wondering if anyone had any good resources for the heads up stages of STTs. Articles, books, videos, etc.

It just seems when I play the odds, they always end up having that hand heads up that beats me.

Oh well. Thanks, everyone.
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