Rock Star
Bronze Level
When I am playing poker I like listen to any kind of music. I love music and music is my cure for everything. But sometimes I am playing also PS4 - Civilisation or Farming Simulator, because it helps me not to call with every hand i got, and just patiently wait for a good opportunity to earn some chips. But few days i sold PS4 because I can't win money playing poker 😥while playing, I sometimes turn on another game ...
I must edit to add some important thing ,which help me a lot playing poker turnaments. I also watch Poker lessons at YT. When I watch it I play so good. This is a proof as attachment: I start Fenomeno Freerol, win it, win all next level and was at the top til... My beloved Girl call me, make me so angry that I was eliminated in a next 3 or 4 next deals. I was playing this turnament for free- my bankrol is most of time 0 usd.
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