Unbeatable Game???

Abramo Della Luce

Abramo Della Luce

Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 2, 2016
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Opening big is a good thing here. You could open bigger, but with AA it's probably ok to not scare them too much away, especially if you have been opening all the time with this size.

On the flop I would try to thin the field a little. I mean, even AA becomes a bit more dangerous when playing 4 handed. So I would bet bigger on the flop, I know this isn't a standard bet, but these aren't standard players either. So I would go with a slight overbet here. If they are calling stations, let them call you with one pair. This is what you want!
The might get lucky on the river, but you are ahead of their range here for sure.

Turn again a big bet bet, maybe potting it is good. There is not really anything scary about the board at this moment.

The river doesn't change anything, and being scared of a straight is not necessary, although possible. If he was calling you with a flush draw, he didn't get there, so that's good too (I know these kind of player are professional flush drawers).
The bet on the river is somewhat scary, especially if he never does it, however, if you think it is a blocking bet of some sort, you are treating him like a thinking player, which he has proven not to be.
The nature of this bet would make me more carefull though and just call. If he just has a busted draw, high card or pair he never did this before, then you should assume that this case is not different. The fact that he bets this small would make me inclined to call and just see what he has. AA get cracked and especially by people that play ATC.

You say that he had a set previous hand, but that doesn't influence this hand at all. There is just the same chance that he has one again as the previous hand (which is pretty small) and shouldn't influence your thinking, otherwise you are suffering some gambler's fallacy.
You also say there are not enough chips on the table, but I see plenty of them, there couldn't be more chips on the table than at these kind of games. You shouldn't expect there to be more chips on the table at higher stakes, because there will not be. If you cannot beat this game, you shouldn't go for bigger games.
Well, at least not for this reason. If you would say that you want to move up in stakes because it will be more enjoyable than these games (which I totally understand, given the fact that this is not really poker and you will have quite some unexpected suckouts) than by all means, go ahead if your bankroll can take it. But don't do it just because you cannot beat this game, because that means you should just get better.


Silver Level
Oct 3, 2010
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Opening big is a good thing here. You could open bigger, but with AA it's probably ok to not scare them too much away, especially if you have been opening all the time with this size.

On the flop I would try to thin the field a little. I mean, even AA becomes a bit more dangerous when playing 4 handed. So I would bet bigger on the flop, I know this isn't a standard bet, but these aren't standard players either. So I would go with a slight overbet here. If they are calling stations, let them call you with one pair. This is what you want!
The might get lucky on the river, but you are ahead of their range here for sure.

Turn again a big bet bet, maybe potting it is good. There is not really anything scary about the board at this moment.

The river doesn't change anything, and being scared of a straight is not necessary, although possible. If he was calling you with a flush draw, he didn't get there, so that's good too (I know these kind of player are professional flush drawers).
The bet on the river is somewhat scary, especially if he never does it, however, if you think it is a blocking bet of some sort, you are treating him like a thinking player, which he has proven not to be.
The nature of this bet would make me more carefull though and just call. If he just has a busted draw, high card or pair he never did this before, then you should assume that this case is not different. The fact that he bets this small would make me inclined to call and just see what he has. AA get cracked and especially by people that play ATC.

You say that he had a set previous hand, but that doesn't influence this hand at all. There is just the same chance that he has one again as the previous hand (which is pretty small) and shouldn't influence your thinking, otherwise you are suffering some gambler's fallacy.
You also say there are not enough chips on the table, but I see plenty of them, there couldn't be more chips on the table than at these kind of games. You shouldn't expect there to be more chips on the table at higher stakes, because there will not be. If you cannot beat this game, you shouldn't go for bigger games.
Well, at least not for this reason. If you would say that you want to move up in stakes because it will be more enjoyable than these games (which I totally understand, given the fact that this is not really poker and you will have quite some unexpected suckouts) than by all means, go ahead if your bankroll can take it. But don't do it just because you cannot beat this game, because that means you should just get better.

The thing is that the game had actually been going fairly standard all day – a couple of times I opened to $15 with 6+ limpers and a few other times, someone would post a $5 Mississippi straddle and I’d go to $20 – but generally, everything was pretty standard.

So, I didn’t want to give away information about my hand and just continued with the $10 open. Maybe, I could have gone bigger I guess – most of these players aren’t paying much attention to my bet sizing.

Anyway, long story short, I just felt standard was right.

And I know the deck has no memory from hand to hand. That said, the odds of being dealt a pair and flopping a set are 1:135 (if I did the math right 78/1326 * 2450/19600, or 1/17 * 1/8), so the probability of consecutive pair/sets is 1/18496 – In other words, a chance I was willing to take for his stack.

Anyway – I’m done.

Dan Lucas

Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 18, 2016
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Big mistake to give up because of what you experienced. You had an opponent with absolutely no clue about your range, and probably thinks that any pair is good, and is too stubborn to fold bb, even with garbage. Or, you have a ringer who understands pot odds and is unwilling to fold even a small pair on flop because he knows how hard it is to hit on the flop. He never risks huge amounts because he has very disciplined bankroll management. I know from experience that seeing AA cracked on the river by a donk hand is very frustrating, but the real fact is that variance in cash games is much lower than tournament. And casino games are much slower than on-line, so 4 hours live is like 15 minutes on-line. I believe that I heard a pro once say that you have to be prepared to stay 6-8 hours in a cash game to give yourself a real chance. You just ran into a tough situation, but I have to agree with previous posts that this game sounds like one where a lot of money can be made because these players don't sound very aware of what is happening. Either that, or you were trapped by ringers who saw you as an ATM. But it sounds like the former, and if you can sit long enough, you will find a decent payday at the end of the session.


Bronze Level
Mar 1, 2016
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I know A K suited is seen as a great hand, but in reality its just 2 cards if they don't catch. Pocket 2's takes it down without a catch. Most newer and younger players think anytime they get an ace it should win, but that does not always happen! And boy do they gripe at this. When you bet the $100 you had nothing to back it up. I can't believe you got that many callers for they had nothing to back it up either. In the end 1 guy got lucky!!!:D:D


Silver Level
Mar 28, 2016
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I would never bluff when you're with more than 2 other players. The chances of another player,having some kind of hand is just too big.


Silver Level
Dec 9, 2012
Total posts
I dont see the merit in betting the turn as well as the flop with AK.
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