Rock Star
Silver Level
Well, my bankroll got knocked back the other day (dont worry i didn tilt it off playing 50/100!!) needed the money to pay to get my ride fixed and buy some really good trees
So I'm back to about 300 bucks, grinding 11 dollar sng's again. I really want to get better at cash games because thats where the consistent cash is IMO. I figure 300 is enough for the 25 max buy-in, i know its less than the reccomended figure but come on, they're 99% donks right? I just have a few questions about playing in these low limit cash games.
1- I'm planning to play 6-max, what type of hands and from what position are you raising in these, and how big of a PF raise do u put in? If you are opening, are you raising up any ace, any 2 paint, and any PP 66+? Also, are you raising more like 6x BB since 3-4x raises seem to get called like they're seeing the flop free. How about if there is limpers before and u have a hand like A9 in position, are you putting in raises there? Are you taking a stab at a lot of pots on the flop if you are in position and its checked to you? What are most of your re-ranging raises (I know its player dependant, but what are you re-raising against your avg 25max donkey?)
2. Do you EVER run bluffs? Eg-check raising a draw and firing on the turn and river? I was playin earlier and set one up perfect, I was sure the guy had QQ or JJ and I check-raised when a king hit and he just pushed, had to call with my OESD for pot odds, and he flipped QQ, I mean, no way would I push QQ with that type of action, you see this a lot in these games?
3. When you hit a big hand, do you slowplay it more often than u would at a higher limit, eg you hit a set and you know ur opponet has either AA or AK or something and he's probably gonna give you his stack if u let him lead, or is straightforward the way to go? My buddy, who played poker for the first time for real money today, deposited 100 on party and made 400 dollars in 3 hours playing .25/50c NL. Whenever he caught, he just check-raised all in and got a surprising amount of calls. Seemed like they all thought an all-in represented a bluff, or they couldnt get away from TP or lost with a smaller overpair. It was kinda crazy, I mean the kid has never played hold'em for money in his life. He is really good at every other card game i've played with him tho, i guess card games are just card games. the dude will own you in TONK (tonk is great anyone know how to play?)
3. What situations do you normally C-bet, and when do you lay off the c-betting? Will you C-bet on a rag flop with 3 callers? 2 callers? I know it's all situation dependant but generally speaking, do most of these guys fold out if they didn't catch a piece? Another thing, it seems like a lot of these guys like to peel a card and try to hit an overcard, the little bit i've played 25 NL the last couple days I see this all the time and I backoff on the turn a lot when there is no draws and end up winning it with ace high, how do you recognize this other than just watching who's doing it.
4. Is open-pushing or check-raising all-in on the flop a viable way to get consistently paid? I bet theres a lot of donks in 25max who would call off their whole stack with a flush draw on the flop but woulnd't put out a bet if its checked to them. Anyone ever tried things like open-pushing sets on an ace flop when u know the original raiser hit his TPTK? Seems to me like the fish think TPTK is gold on the flop, but they can figure out they're beat by the turn or river if u bet hard. But then again sometimes they'll just randomly bet, i dunno, i think once i adjust a little they'll be easy to read, its crazy you'll see huge pots for the stakes and ppl in there with TPNK and middle pairs and crazy stuff, i've folded out a ton of winning hands that were very marginal and I really thought I was most likely behind.
just puttin some things up for discussion, any replies are welcome. I might write some more later if i'm not busy.
1- I'm planning to play 6-max, what type of hands and from what position are you raising in these, and how big of a PF raise do u put in? If you are opening, are you raising up any ace, any 2 paint, and any PP 66+? Also, are you raising more like 6x BB since 3-4x raises seem to get called like they're seeing the flop free. How about if there is limpers before and u have a hand like A9 in position, are you putting in raises there? Are you taking a stab at a lot of pots on the flop if you are in position and its checked to you? What are most of your re-ranging raises (I know its player dependant, but what are you re-raising against your avg 25max donkey?)
2. Do you EVER run bluffs? Eg-check raising a draw and firing on the turn and river? I was playin earlier and set one up perfect, I was sure the guy had QQ or JJ and I check-raised when a king hit and he just pushed, had to call with my OESD for pot odds, and he flipped QQ, I mean, no way would I push QQ with that type of action, you see this a lot in these games?
3. When you hit a big hand, do you slowplay it more often than u would at a higher limit, eg you hit a set and you know ur opponet has either AA or AK or something and he's probably gonna give you his stack if u let him lead, or is straightforward the way to go? My buddy, who played poker for the first time for real money today, deposited 100 on party and made 400 dollars in 3 hours playing .25/50c NL. Whenever he caught, he just check-raised all in and got a surprising amount of calls. Seemed like they all thought an all-in represented a bluff, or they couldnt get away from TP or lost with a smaller overpair. It was kinda crazy, I mean the kid has never played hold'em for money in his life. He is really good at every other card game i've played with him tho, i guess card games are just card games. the dude will own you in TONK (tonk is great anyone know how to play?)
3. What situations do you normally C-bet, and when do you lay off the c-betting? Will you C-bet on a rag flop with 3 callers? 2 callers? I know it's all situation dependant but generally speaking, do most of these guys fold out if they didn't catch a piece? Another thing, it seems like a lot of these guys like to peel a card and try to hit an overcard, the little bit i've played 25 NL the last couple days I see this all the time and I backoff on the turn a lot when there is no draws and end up winning it with ace high, how do you recognize this other than just watching who's doing it.
4. Is open-pushing or check-raising all-in on the flop a viable way to get consistently paid? I bet theres a lot of donks in 25max who would call off their whole stack with a flush draw on the flop but woulnd't put out a bet if its checked to them. Anyone ever tried things like open-pushing sets on an ace flop when u know the original raiser hit his TPTK? Seems to me like the fish think TPTK is gold on the flop, but they can figure out they're beat by the turn or river if u bet hard. But then again sometimes they'll just randomly bet, i dunno, i think once i adjust a little they'll be easy to read, its crazy you'll see huge pots for the stakes and ppl in there with TPNK and middle pairs and crazy stuff, i've folded out a ton of winning hands that were very marginal and I really thought I was most likely behind.
just puttin some things up for discussion, any replies are welcome. I might write some more later if i'm not busy.