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your from yorkshire. if you ever come down to london to play hit me up. THose graphs worth somethign lol
Aha On a serious note played at the vic a couple of times and probably will again in the summer, hoping to get down to London for a weekend break at some point. Be cool to meet up there for a drink wi a fellow CC'er, never met anyone off here IRL. Doubt you'd be wanting to join me at the pocket money tables like, I'm not the sicko you are, but be great to just socialise a little (Y)
Yea of course sounds good. By chance when were you last here?
You can't play for 7+hours online then go to the casino and expect your A-game. This sounds like bankroll suicide to me.
This guy is in for a rude awakeningI had to make a new graph, since I went off the charts in the first one.
Last night was a tough game.
I started off at 300$ buy in only to get completely stacked off by the deep-stack with 800$ behind .....
I flopped a set on a 3c,4h,5h board.
I pushed my set of 3's in with 221$ all in in hopes of keeping them from drawing out on me 2 other players in the hand.
How it unfolded:
Calls around to UTG 3 who raises to 20.00$ pre-flop.
I call with pocket 3's from the HJ (Something I never ever do, knowing that 3's are such a weak hand and am certainly not getting pot odds, mistake on my part)
Button calls 20.00$ pre-flop.
Everyone else folds
Flop: 3c, 4h, 5h
UTG3 bets out 40$ into a 70$ pot
HJ (ME) Shoves all-in for 222$ with my set of 3's
Button 222$ (Guy flopped a straight with 6/7 off suite and called a raise pre-flop..)
UTG3 calls 222$ all in (has a flush and straight draw with Ace/6 of hearts)
I seriously thought I was good, I was only scared of a set of 4's and a set of 5's. I honestly figured these guys had big pairs or, a flush draw.
When the guy turned over 6/7 off I could not believe he called a huge raise like that with that junk. Oh well bad luck. 1/78 he flops a straight.
This hand had check/fold written all over it for me too. But I never let sets go, ever. It's all or nothing. Unless there is an absolutely amazing reason (Suited boards, this board, Tons of players)
To sum up my story, I was in the hole -450.00$ at one point. By the end of the night though, I ended up leaving with 58.00$ in profit so yes, it took very hard work and just some good playing I guess. Waiting for the right spots to chose.
The last time I had a negative day was maybe the 29th of January. When I do go into the negative I am really tough on myself. I study even harder. Find out where I went wrong, how can I fix this problem etc.
mine is slightly worse
Fwiw, thats not my graph but a former SNG punter.