4X is a very large open, but its ok to use that size from SB, because you want to charge the opponent to take position on you. If you only use this sizing with very strong hands like KK, then you are giving away a bet sizing tell though. This is just something to consider, especially if you move up.
Great flop obviously, and betting for value is certainly fine. Getting raised, when we have the nuts, is a dream situation. Its a draw heavy board, and for that reason I prefer to fastplay and put in a 3-bet, so I can jam the turn and deny any implied
odds to draws on the river.
As played I dont like leading the turn. The whole reason, why you might decide to slowplay the flop is to allow him to continue
bluffing or value own himself. And the way to do that is to check to him again. With the paired board you also dont need to worry about draws, so now I would just check-call again and then decide, if I want to check or lead on the river. As played you have an easy call. Whenever we beat even just some value, we absolutely can not fold. Here you beat everything but 33, and his stack-off range is not only quads. He can also have a least KQ, which is 3 times as many combos as 33. And depending on his preflop strategy maybe also QQ, K3 and Q3. Or maybe he raised a hand like A3 on the flop for no reason and turned trips. So not only do you have to call, you should also be very happy, that he raised, because most of the time he is drawing dead, or he has 1 out.
As others have said this is just a setup or cooler hand. These are part of the game, and in the long run they dont matter, because someone else will run top boat into your quads just as often as the opposite, and then they will also lose all their money to you.