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Spin&GO what do you think about them?



Bronze Level
Aug 3, 2013
Total posts
Hi guys this my first thread! So here it is

I started playing Poker about six months ago now and I like cash Games and Sit&go MTT but I've been looking info about this Spin&Go tournament I want to know what do you guys think... are they to much gamble? have you tried?. I personally have play like 10 and won only 4 or 5, but I want to know what are your experiences and if you can give me any advice on how to play ...

Hey one more thing i saw this school in pokerstrategy call SpinLegends if someone have tried or know something also let me know what do you think ;)

Thanks guys I'll wait for your opinions GOOD LUCK on the tables!
You can't win by playing tight in Spin & Go You should understand that you have only 25 big blinds in your stack, and the levels increase on average every 3 minutes. Therefore, when you see a strong starting hand, it may be too late and you only have 2-3 big blinds left in your stack. Of course, this does not mean that you should open 100% of your range, but the range of your opening should be wide enough. This is especially true for the button and steals from the small blind.If you can play the TRP strategy, then there won't be another player who can beat you in the long run. If two players play TRP (which is impossible, because poker is too difficult), then only the one who receives the rake will win (that is, in this example, it will be a poker room). However, most Spin & Go players do not pay attention to the TRP and completely underestimate this strategic element (unlike the players in the CIS tournaments). We can say that they are a little old-fashioned, because every high-stakes cash game player has long been using programs (such as Piosolver) that help find Spin Go GTO strategies.


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Jun 21, 2017
Total posts
its too much rake to pay, you already look at the probability of those games? half the game you are paying 25% and other half you are not paying etheir winning anything.

poker room wins a lot this is the kind of busniss that you are interested in get to yourself.