Silver Level
Select five players who you think will do well in the next Million Dollar tourney on party poker (takes place on Sunday).
You will get points matching their position. The lowest combined total points wins.
For Example:-
PokerAAA finishes 1000th
PokerBBB finishes 1st
PokerCCC finishes 1500th
PokerDDD finishes 50th
Poker EEE finishes 400th
You score :- 1000+1+1500+50+400 = 2951
If 2951 is the lowest you win!
If your named player does not enter he will be awarded 3000pts. NB There is normally 4000 or so entries.
To add a little bit more to the interest, if anyone selects the winner in their list of 5, I will give them a small prize ($50).
As a little side-bet type prediction, I dont think anyone will score a combined points of less 6000. Anyone got another prediction?
Anyway to start the thing rolling I'll submit my list of 5 :-
I would have liked to have found room for memphie as he is so tight he squeaks, but dont think he enters this tourney enough.
Anyway, gla
ps post your lists on here and I'll add up the scores on Monday after the event is complete
You will get points matching their position. The lowest combined total points wins.
For Example:-
PokerAAA finishes 1000th
PokerBBB finishes 1st
PokerCCC finishes 1500th
PokerDDD finishes 50th
Poker EEE finishes 400th
You score :- 1000+1+1500+50+400 = 2951
If 2951 is the lowest you win!
If your named player does not enter he will be awarded 3000pts. NB There is normally 4000 or so entries.
To add a little bit more to the interest, if anyone selects the winner in their list of 5, I will give them a small prize ($50).
As a little side-bet type prediction, I dont think anyone will score a combined points of less 6000. Anyone got another prediction?
Anyway to start the thing rolling I'll submit my list of 5 :-
I would have liked to have found room for memphie as he is so tight he squeaks, but dont think he enters this tourney enough.
Anyway, gla
ps post your lists on here and I'll add up the scores on Monday after the event is complete