Rock Star
Silver Level
This situation has happened so many times i fu... hate it, the players who just put that auto check on , no matter how bad their hand is, they will do all its possible to outdraw you and it disgustes me when they hit that BS hand . Im wondering what can i do to prevent certain blows or stupid calls .
I was playing in a mini , i raised with AA and get 3 callers . I raised to 5x BB by the way . Flop is A29 rainbow . I bet my set strong ( pot ) and 2 fold and this guy called so quick it was amazing . I couldnt put him on 34 because of my raise, i just couldnt believe it . Turn is a 5 and im thinking did he hit the straight ? maybe he didnt , i pushed all in trying to get him out of the draw, or thinking he had a weak A , the auto check/call was on and quickly called with 74s , river is a 3 and im of the Sit n GO. I felt disgusted completly , apperantly his fold button didnt work or they where paying him to click on the check/call .
In another occasion i raised post flop from late position with KK to 4x BB ( there was 4 limpers before me ) the button folded , SB folded , BB called 2 limpers folded and a guy from middle position who tried to limp min raised me , so i min raised back , and the BB again cold calls , and the middle raiser calls . flop is 4s9sKc , i hit my set , BB checks , middle guy checks , I bet pot, BB had the auto check/call on , apperantly on a flush draw , middle guy folds . Turn is a blank and im thinking can i prevent this from happening , do i check to not put anymore money, no thats not the way to play i was almost certain he would call but i pushed all in , imidiatly he called ( auto check/call disgusting ) flips over a 3sJs and the river for once in this live brought another blank , he was out of the tournament . I was thinking then , how do you prevent the donks from calling, even if you give them incorrects odds they will call ? Do you just look at the long term and see this as a +ev move and keep betting the pot ? protecting your hand ?
I was playing in a mini , i raised with AA and get 3 callers . I raised to 5x BB by the way . Flop is A29 rainbow . I bet my set strong ( pot ) and 2 fold and this guy called so quick it was amazing . I couldnt put him on 34 because of my raise, i just couldnt believe it . Turn is a 5 and im thinking did he hit the straight ? maybe he didnt , i pushed all in trying to get him out of the draw, or thinking he had a weak A , the auto check/call was on and quickly called with 74s , river is a 3 and im of the Sit n GO. I felt disgusted completly , apperantly his fold button didnt work or they where paying him to click on the check/call .
In another occasion i raised post flop from late position with KK to 4x BB ( there was 4 limpers before me ) the button folded , SB folded , BB called 2 limpers folded and a guy from middle position who tried to limp min raised me , so i min raised back , and the BB again cold calls , and the middle raiser calls . flop is 4s9sKc , i hit my set , BB checks , middle guy checks , I bet pot, BB had the auto check/call on , apperantly on a flush draw , middle guy folds . Turn is a blank and im thinking can i prevent this from happening , do i check to not put anymore money, no thats not the way to play i was almost certain he would call but i pushed all in , imidiatly he called ( auto check/call disgusting ) flips over a 3sJs and the river for once in this live brought another blank , he was out of the tournament . I was thinking then , how do you prevent the donks from calling, even if you give them incorrects odds they will call ? Do you just look at the long term and see this as a +ev move and keep betting the pot ? protecting your hand ?