My goals I have set for myself include me playing in one live event starting in January. I'm looking forward to participating in my first
poker game live.
I could see the bb antie effecting the game only slightly. Already players defend with any 2 cards from the bb. I don't see that changing with the bb antie structure.
Theoretically a player in LP could widen his attacking range to put more pressure on the bb to defend tighter, although this is already happening as well, so I don't see the bb antie changing that aspect either.
I recently played vs the chip leader on my left on the final 2 tables. He had 1m in chips compared to my 199k and I was running in 5-8th place. So he had a pretty commanding chip lead.
Interestingly he limped EVERY time when he was UTG. I found this quite odd - and I also learned a betting tell on him after about 4 orbits.
Every hand he limped - which was every time he was UTG - either me or the sb took down the pot, either on the flop (fit or fold) or with the runout.
It was an interesting tactic by the chip leader, and I found it nice because it allowed me to chip up and stay competitive into the final table.
How is this relevant to bb antie - not sure - other than limping DOES force the bb to play the hand post flop - even with terrible hands. Though limping isn't optimal and - seems like a weak play - allowing the bb to see 3 free cards. Thanks chip leader.