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Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jul 30, 2006
Total posts
OK then. Never posted on a poker forum before but felt compelled to do so after this hand. Just wondered if anybody out there can enlighten me as to what the eventual winner of it was thinking about.

Level 2 of a low stakes STT, blinds 15/30, I get QQ on the button, about 5 people call until the guy before me doubles up to 60 and I reraise him to 200, SB calls everybody else folds and guy who raised before me also calls. Pot=720

Flop, 7s 7h 3c

Both of my opponents check, I throw out a raise of 550, roughly half my stack, both guys call. Pot=2370

Turn 4d

Again gets checked round to me and I move all in for an extra 593. Both opponents call leaving UTG reasonably comfortable and guy before me practically broke. Pot=4119

River 6s

UTG throws out an extravagant raise of 30 chips which duly gets called.

UTG shows 6c 6d, a full house 6's full of 7's, the other guy mucks his hand and I get knocked out.

Surely this person must have known that his hand was dominated throughout and should have folded on every single betting round? Pocket 6's aren't good enough to call a raise nearly 7 times the blind are they? Any thoughts anyone? This is probably the only post i'll ever make and your feedback would be appreciated even if you merely wish to slag off the way I played the hand.


Silver Level
Jan 8, 2006
Total posts
If it was a low stakes SNG, then overvaluing a hand is certainly a fairly common thing for other players to do. However, there are other possibilities -- had you been raising and re-raising and taking down pots without showing hands? Your reputation at the table could have been affecting his actions.

Or, he might have reasoned that the only things that really beat him are an overpair or a 7, and that you might have AK, AQ, AJ, or some other commonly-overvalued-post-flop-by-low-stakes-type-hand.

But yeah, all things considered, not great play and you got sucked out big time.

Welcome to the forums, I guess? Take a look around, you might find it's worth staying awhile.


Silver Level
Jul 7, 2006
Total posts
To him, pre-flop at only level 2, 200 chips seems no problem. He figures he is either ahead to an unmade hand (as above post states) or that if he is behind then there is some implied odds value to calling and hitting a set.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jul 30, 2006
Total posts
Thanks chaps.

I know compared to some of what goes on at the lower levels of the SNG world this isn't actually too bad but still very annoying anyway. The worst thing is I am fairly certain that even if I had moved all in preflop he wouldn't have been able to throw his 6's. At this level even a pair of 2's in the pocket seem to exert some strange power over whoever holds them.