Rock Star
Silver Level
Twice today in freerolls, I feel that I have been unlucky - does happen I guess. The two hands were similar so I will only quote one. This is a freeroll rebuy, I have shown QQ and AK only so far during the tournament, each time betting about 4BB and showing the cards when everyone folded.
About half an hour in, I am in mid-position and have QQ. Everyone folds till me, I bet 4BBs (120 out of 1400 chipstack) Everyone folds up to big blind, an erratic player with about 1100 chips, who calls. The flop is Jh 5s 9h. I bet 360, thinking I am probably in front. BB raises to 720 and I move all-in, he calls. Turn 5d; river 6c. He turns over 5h Kh and I lose.
I have limited experience but I don't think he was correct in calling pre-flop and certainly he was bold re-raising on a draw plus low pair. My main question is could I expect the same sort of play in say a 30$ STT or MTT? If not, at about what level of buy-ins, do the majority of players stop playing like this?
Please feel free to criticise, analyze, commiserate or even try to answer my question...
About half an hour in, I am in mid-position and have QQ. Everyone folds till me, I bet 4BBs (120 out of 1400 chipstack) Everyone folds up to big blind, an erratic player with about 1100 chips, who calls. The flop is Jh 5s 9h. I bet 360, thinking I am probably in front. BB raises to 720 and I move all-in, he calls. Turn 5d; river 6c. He turns over 5h Kh and I lose.
I have limited experience but I don't think he was correct in calling pre-flop and certainly he was bold re-raising on a draw plus low pair. My main question is could I expect the same sort of play in say a 30$ STT or MTT? If not, at about what level of buy-ins, do the majority of players stop playing like this?
Please feel free to criticise, analyze, commiserate or even try to answer my question...