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AT 2 times in a row

Alon Ipser

Alon Ipser

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jul 20, 2005
Total posts
I had same cards two hands in a row and played each completely differently. First hand I have bdrtr5 pegged as trying to steal so I called his all in. Second hand I believe NUTZ69 is also on a steal but I have no interest in finding out with his big stack. Do you think I played these correctly? By the way I finished out of the money on this one because I didn't bet enough with AA to make the guy with 45s fold. I went back and looked and "I" kept the pot odds right for him to call me until he caught his straight.

Game #1268227356 - Tournament Pina - 100/200 No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2006/02/06-20:17:31.2 (CST)
Table "Pina 75" (MTT) -- Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Lildock J (4,110 in chips)
Seat 2: dgmonty (5,540 in chips)
Seat 3: Ready2BRich (2,020 in chips)
Seat 4: petey-x (3,060 in chips)
Seat 5: bdrtr5 (935 in chips)
Seat 6: dinovino (284 in chips)
Seat 7: AllStar0038 (3,600 in chips)
Seat 8: NUTZ69 (15,103 in chips)
Seat 9: Alon Ipser (6,125 in chips)
Seat 10: LBViking (6,503 in chips)
dgmonty : Ante (25)
Ready2BRich: Ante (25)
petey-x : Ante (25)
bdrtr5 : Ante (25)
dinovino: Ante (25)
AllStar0038: Ante (25)
NUTZ69 : Ante (25)
Alon Ipser: Ante (25)
LBViking: Ante (25)
Lildock J: Ante (25)
dgmonty : Post Small Blind (100)
Ready2BRich: Post Big Blind (200)
Dealt to Alon Ipser [ Td ]
Dealt to Alon Ipser [ Ah ]
petey-x : Fold
bdrtr5 : Raise (910)
dinovino: Fold
AllStar0038: Fold
NUTZ69 : Fold
Alon Ipser: Call (910)
LBViking: Fold
Lildock J: Fold
dgmonty : Fold
Ready2BRich: Fold
*** FLOP *** : [ 3s Kc As ]
*** TURN *** : [ 3s Kc As ] [ 3c ]
*** RIVER *** : [ 3s Kc As 3c ] [ Js ]
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 2,370 | Board: [ 3s Kc As 3c Js ]
Lildock J lost 25 (folded)
dgmonty lost 125 (folded)
Ready2BRich lost 225 (folded)
petey-x lost 25 (folded)
bdrtr5 lost 935 (showed hand) [ Kd Jd ] (two pair, kings and jacks)
dinovino lost 25 (folded)
AllStar0038 lost 25 (folded)
NUTZ69 lost 25 (folded)
Alon Ipser bet 935, collected 2,370, net +1,435 (showed hand) [ Td Ah ] (two pair, aces and threes)
LBViking lost 25 (folded)
Game #1268229245 - Tournament Pina - 100/200 No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2006/02/06-20:18:16.6 (CST)
Table "Pina 75" (MTT) -- Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: Lildock J (4,085 in chips)
Seat 2: dgmonty (5,415 in chips)
Seat 3: Ready2BRich (1,795 in chips)
Seat 4: petey-x (3,035 in chips)
Seat 6: dinovino (259 in chips)
Seat 7: AllStar0038 (3,575 in chips)
Seat 8: NUTZ69 (15,078 in chips)
Seat 9: Alon Ipser (7,560 in chips)
Seat 10: LBViking (6,478 in chips)
dgmonty : Ante (25)
Ready2BRich: Ante (25)
petey-x : Ante (25)
dinovino: Ante (25)
AllStar0038: Ante (25)
NUTZ69 : Ante (25)
Alon Ipser: Ante (25)
LBViking: Ante (25)
Lildock J: Ante (25)
Ready2BRich: Post Small Blind (100)
petey-x : Post Big Blind (200)
Dealt to Alon Ipser [ Td ]
Dealt to Alon Ipser [ Ad ]
dinovino: Fold
AllStar0038: Call (200)
NUTZ69 : Raise (1,400)
Alon Ipser: Fold
LBViking: Fold
Lildock J: Fold
dgmonty : Fold
Ready2BRich: Fold
petey-x : Fold
AllStar0038: Call (1,200)
*** FLOP *** : [ 3c 7h Ah ]
AllStar0038: Check
NUTZ69 : Bet (2,400)
AllStar0038: Fold
NUTZ69 : Winner -- doesn't show cards
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 3,325 | Board: [ 3c 7h Ah ]
Lildock J lost 25 (folded)
dgmonty lost 25 (folded)
Ready2BRich lost 125 (folded)
petey-x lost 225 (folded)
dinovino lost 25 (folded)
AllStar0038 lost 1,425 (folded)
NUTZ69 bet 3,825, collected 5,725, net +1,900
Alon Ipser lost 25 (folded) [ Td Ad ] (a pair of aces)
LBViking lost 25 (folded)


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
Total posts
First one - yep, small stack making last ditch move. Personally I would have raised to stop the 3 behind you calling or coming over the top.

Second hand - yep, i'd have given this hand up too.
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
Total posts
I would have played them the same way. I don't know about raising in the first one though, Rob. In tournaments, especially the later stages, people who call all-ins tend to check it down to knock the all-in player out. "Implicit collusion" and all that (the "unwritten law" that I don't really agree with, because I will bet my hand if I think I can get more chips out of the others, but that doesn't mean that I can't use it to my advantage if I have a marginal hand).


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
Total posts
F Paulsson said:
I would have played them the same way. I don't know about raising in the first one though, Rob. In tournaments, especially the later stages, people who call all-ins tend to check it down to knock the all-in player out. "Implicit collusion" and all that (the "unwritten law" that I don't really agree with, because I will bet my hand if I think I can get more chips out of the others, but that doesn't mean that I can't use it to my advantage if I have a marginal hand).
Well this is precisely my reasoning for raising! There were still 4 to act behind Alon (not 3 - oops). Calling sets up a nice pot for someone to get into quite cheaply, and as you said, 3 ways against all-ins tend to get checked down, increasing chance you get rivered by 3rd caller. I'd raise to make it prohibitive for the last 4 players to "tag along", and try and ensure I was H2H with small stack.
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
Total posts
I see your point. How much would you raise to balance risk vs. reward?


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
Total posts
F Paulsson said:
I see your point. How much would you raise to balance risk vs. reward?
2K? If you get put all in by a big stack and have to throw away it'll be an expensive move, but it's a play i personally would make - A,10os is obviously much better off heads up than multiway. Didn't make any odds in this case, but i wouldn't have minded everyone seeing me betting A 10 heavily from mid position!