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was this a good play?



Silver Level
Feb 13, 2008
Total posts
i won but i still wanna get better and im wondering if this was good play

pokerstars Game #15365833932: Tournament #77004230, 500+30 Razz Limit - Level XX (20000/40000) - 2008/02/18 - 01:33:49 (ET)
Table '77004230 39' 8-max
Seat 1: Range777 (177280 in chips)
Seat 2: red68s (160095 in chips)
Seat 3: cjmabc (65628 in chips)
Seat 4: The Kid Jev (134222 in chips)
Seat 5: rizzr6 (184936 in chips)
Seat 7: Spike83 (521637 in chips)
Seat 8: bigpun58 (256202 in chips)
Range777: posts the ante 4000
red68s: posts the ante 4000
cjmabc: posts the ante 4000
The Kid Jev: posts the ante 4000
rizzr6: posts the ante 4000
Spike83: posts the ante 4000
bigpun58: posts the ante 4000
*** 3rd STREET ***
Dealt to Range777 [9c]
Dealt to red68s [5c]
Dealt to cjmabc [2c]
Dealt to The Kid Jev [3c Ad 9h]
Dealt to rizzr6 [8h]
Dealt to Spike83 [Qh]
Dealt to bigpun58 [8d]
Spike83: brings in for 6000
bigpun58: calls 6000
Range777: calls 6000
red68s: calls 6000
cjmabc: folds
The Kid Jev: calls 6000
rizzr6: folds
*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to Range777 [9c] [7s]
Dealt to red68s [5c] [Ks]
Dealt to The Kid Jev [3c Ad 9h] [Th]
Dealt to Spike83 [Qh] [6s]
Dealt to bigpun58 [8d] [Js]
Range777: bets 20000
red68s: folds
The Kid Jev: calls 20000
cjmabc said, "nice pic spike"
Spike83: folds
bigpun58: calls 20000
*** 5th STREET ***
Dealt to Range777 [9c 7s] [Kd]
Dealt to The Kid Jev [3c Ad 9h Th] [Kc]
Dealt to bigpun58 [8d Js] [Jc]
rizzr6 said, "let spike bring i for a while"
Range777: bets 40000
rizzr6 said, "lol"
The Kid Jev: calls 40000
bigpun58: folds
*** 6th STREET ***
Dealt to Range777 [9c 7s Kd] [Ts]
Dealt to The Kid Jev [3c Ad 9h Th Kc] [9d]
Range777: bets 40000
The Kid Jev: calls 40000
*** RIVER ***
Dealt to The Kid Jev [3c Ad 9h Th Kc 9d] [7h]
Range777: bets 40000
The Kid Jev: calls 24222 and is all-in
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Range777: shows [8s As 9c 7s Kd Ts Qs] (Lo: T,9,8,7,A)
The Kid Jev: shows [3c Ad 9h Th Kc 9d 7h] (Lo: T,9,7,3,A)
The Kid Jev collected 326444 from pot
The Kid Jev said, "!!!!!!!!!"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 326444 | Rake 0
Seat 1: Range777 showed [8s As 9c 7s Kd Ts Qs] and lost with Lo: T,9,8,7,A
Seat 2: red68s folded on the 4th Street
Seat 3: cjmabc folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
Seat 4: The Kid Jev showed [3c Ad 9h Th Kc 9d 7h] and won (326444) with Lo: T,9,7,3,A
Seat 5: rizzr6 folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Spike83 folded on the 4th Street
Seat 8: bigpun58 folded on the 5th Street

I Also dont understand how i lost this hand
PokerStars Game #15366165180: Tournament #77004230, 500+30 Razz Limit - Level XXII (40000/80000) - 2008/02/18 - 01:59:20 (ET)
Table '77004230 39' 8-max
Seat 4: The Kid Jev (46888 in chips)
Seat 7: Spike83 (1006732 in chips)
Seat 8: bigpun58 (446380 in chips)
The Kid Jev: posts the ante 8000
Spike83: posts the ante 8000
bigpun58: posts the ante 8000
*** 3rd STREET ***
Dealt to The Kid Jev [Ts Ad 2d]
Dealt to Spike83 [9h]
Dealt to bigpun58 [8d]
Spike83: brings in for 12000
bigpun58: calls 12000
The Kid Jev: raises 26888 to 38888 and is all-in
Spike83: calls 26888
bigpun58: folds
The Kid Jev said, "for once lol"
*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to The Kid Jev [Ts Ad 2d] [Ac]
Dealt to Spike83 [9h] [Th]
Spike83 said, "thats for you kid"
*** 5th STREET ***
Dealt to The Kid Jev [Ts Ad 2d Ac] [6c]
Dealt to Spike83 [9h Th] [7s]
*** 6th STREET ***
Dealt to The Kid Jev [Ts Ad 2d Ac 6c] [Jh]
Dealt to Spike83 [9h Th 7s] [Td]
*** RIVER ***
Dealt to The Kid Jev [Ts Ad 2d Ac 6c Jh] [Kd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
The Kid Jev: shows [Ts Ad 2d Ac 6c Jh Kd] (Lo: J,T,6,2,A)
Spike83: shows [3h 5d 9h Th 7s Td Kh] (Lo: T,9,7,5,3)
Spike83 collected 113776 from pot
Spike83 said, "gg"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 113776 | Rake 0
Seat 4: The Kid Jev showed [Ts Ad 2d Ac 6c Jh Kd] and lost with Lo: J,T,6,2,A
Seat 7: Spike83 showed [3h 5d 9h Th 7s Td Kh] and won (113776) with Lo: T,9,7,5,3
Seat 8: bigpun58 folded on the 3rd Street

how does he win with 10,9,7,5,3 and i have J,T,6,2,A can some1 explain i dont really play razz so i might not understand it
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Emperor IX

Emperor IX

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 28, 2007
Total posts
You had a J low and he had a T low, which is a lower low than you. The only thing that matters are the highest low cards in a low hand. You had could Q432A and still be beaten by JT986


Silver Level
Feb 13, 2008
Total posts
o i c i placed 3rd in my 1st razz tourney though, something to be proud of but u still didnt answer my ?


Is drawing with AK
Silver Level
Jan 2, 2007
Total posts
A 9 low hand isn't all that much to be proud of. In razz, and other limit games (especially stud ones), you want to be very selective of your starting hands. In limit, because later in the hand its almost ridiculous to fold because of the pot odds you're getting, you need to fold all but the most premium hands in the beginning, so you don't get trapped into committing a large amount of chips on later streets.

Also, I'm not sure I'm into risking my tournament life on a starting hand of A39, that picks up a T on 4th street. Given, if you had a solid read on the villain that he was aggressive & bad, then its not a terrible play since villains aren't exactly showing strong boards either. But in general, when playing morons like this, pick solid starting hands, and pound them. A general guideline is 3 cards 8 or lower, but even that can change depending on how aggressive the table is & how bad/good the players are.

And lastly, you know all your chips are going in on this hand if he bets out to the river (which is likely). So do some raising on 4th & 5th street! If you're going to be playing this junk, at least give yourself 2 ways to win the hand! Your opponents are showing weak boards, why don't you show some strength and try to pick up the pot?


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Sep 2, 2007
Total posts
omg the first hand is awful. Fold every single street please, especially after 4th since you are drawing to a 10 low, not where you want to be


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Feb 19, 2008
Total posts
I agree with folding after 4th street when concerning the first hand. You lost the second hand because you can only count a card once towards your total. You can't have a T,6,2,A,A. Therefore you had a J,T,6,2,A and he won with 10,9,7,5,3 because his highest card, a ten, is lower than your highest card, J.


Broomcorn's uncle
Bronze Level
Aug 6, 2007
Total posts
In the first hand, even from third street you've got problems. Red and Bigpun are both representing better hands than yours, they've likely still got better draws than you on fourth despite catching bad, and Range also looks like he overtook you on fourth (though we later find out he had a pretty awful starting hand).

Two cards you'd really like to catch (a two and a five) were dead on third street, as were two eights (which, while not great cards for your hand, you'd certainly prefer to a paint card). On fourth street, you also lost a six and a seven.

Also, you've only got just over three big bets left in your stack. That's enough for maybe one decent hand: I'd wait until I had a decent starting hand (say, three to a seven, or maybe even three to a smooth eight) and raise it hard.

Yes, you got a good result from the hand, but it was more a result of your opponent's awful play than anything else - if he had an edge in this hand at any point it was only ever a very, very marginal one.

As played, I probably would've thrown the hand away on fourth street (if not on third).

As for the second hand, not much you can do really - you're short stacked and T-baby-baby is probably as good as you could hope for against those up cards.


Silver Level
Feb 13, 2008
Total posts
thnx for the advice, like i said my 1st tourney, placed 3rd outta 1k i think on my first go at razz, i might try to get better at it because today i placed 211th outta 1k again, had 6,4,3,2,A he had the nuts but i know im getting better


Rock Star
Silver Level
Feb 20, 2008
Total posts
wow i give u props for even playing razz lol. razz confuses me somethings i get it mixed with stud and bad things happen :) but eh it was a decent play!


Silver Level
Feb 13, 2008
Total posts
thnx i picked up on it real quick, its very brainy makes u think of all the possibilites and u have to really look at the cards and debate on what they have, if i was to start a br i would definitly start with some low stake razz :D