A Member
Silver Level
We had a thread recently asking why we kept the 15 post requirement on our buy-in events. My answer is that we want a refuge from the crazies that we normally face in non-forum events. Played a few at Stars this weekend and I was just amazed how some folks will play anything and hope to catch a winner. Watched one guy play every hand and he won often enough to stay in the tourney until half we're knocked out (45 seat SNG). I don't chat that much during non-forum event play but many of the "proper" players at the table were giving the guy hell for his style.
I've come to realize that it is probably the fact that we're for the most part strangers that encourages this crazy play. In a live game this type of person would catch so much hell that they'd leave and probably the same goes for our forum events. I suspect at the higher limits ($25 or higher SNGs) that the sheer dollar amount keeps the crazies at bay but even then I've seen it at this level. Just looking for some opinions on this one and also want to pose a question. Since the online poker world is filled with the idiot players, why do we struggle so to fill our events?
I've come to realize that it is probably the fact that we're for the most part strangers that encourages this crazy play. In a live game this type of person would catch so much hell that they'd leave and probably the same goes for our forum events. I suspect at the higher limits ($25 or higher SNGs) that the sheer dollar amount keeps the crazies at bay but even then I've seen it at this level. Just looking for some opinions on this one and also want to pose a question. Since the online poker world is filled with the idiot players, why do we struggle so to fill our events?