Silver Level
I don't mean just running a little bad. I mean running so bad that you start getting scared to play your monsters. Running absolutely horribly bad for an extended period and you can't seem to get out of it no matter what you do.
To make a long story short I have lost about 2/3 of my bankroll on Tilit in the last week, after a very good 2 or 3 weeks to build it up, moving up a few limits playing ring games.
For the last 3 or 4 days it's been dreadful. I'll give you an example from what just happened to me. I have KQ of hearts on the button with a 4xbb raise in front of me from middle position. I call, blinds fold, and flop comes KQ3 rainbow. Checks to me and I pot it, he calls. Turn comes Q. He checks to me and I pot it again. He goes all in. I call, only to see another 3 on the river and he turns over his pocket 3's for quads.
I can't blame the guy and call it a bad beat because he has to think he's good there but that's just how it's been going for me lately and I can't figure out how to get out of it.
I guess I just need to keep playing, I don't feel like i'm doing anything incredibly wrong, just a downswing of variance I guess. Any suggestions? Should I take a couple days of or what?
To make a long story short I have lost about 2/3 of my bankroll on Tilit in the last week, after a very good 2 or 3 weeks to build it up, moving up a few limits playing ring games.
For the last 3 or 4 days it's been dreadful. I'll give you an example from what just happened to me. I have KQ of hearts on the button with a 4xbb raise in front of me from middle position. I call, blinds fold, and flop comes KQ3 rainbow. Checks to me and I pot it, he calls. Turn comes Q. He checks to me and I pot it again. He goes all in. I call, only to see another 3 on the river and he turns over his pocket 3's for quads.
I can't blame the guy and call it a bad beat because he has to think he's good there but that's just how it's been going for me lately and I can't figure out how to get out of it.
I guess I just need to keep playing, I don't feel like i'm doing anything incredibly wrong, just a downswing of variance I guess. Any suggestions? Should I take a couple days of or what?