Cardschat Hall of Famer - RIP Buck
Silver Level
So much for being polite!buckster436 said:i said im sorry to be polite,Thats All, if i can take ANYBODY OUT I WILL. He said it was the sites fault,just like a friend of mine every time he dont win its the site,etc. ( its fixed or the guy got lucky) my buddy just cant face the fact that hes a bad player. I didnt feel bad about taking him out and will never feel bad if i take anyone out. I dont know this Troyt87 but he seems like a sore loser>>>>>>>>>>>> buckster436
It would take a lot for me to take my mother out....but then again, she is not with us anymore....oh well.jde_07 said:Why are you aplogizing that you knocked somebody out of a tourney. Saying your sorry at any table is almost more insulting then actually knocking them off the table. If you are sorry for beating somebody maybe you shouldn't play cards because more then likely this person wouldn't feel bad for knocking you out. I don't know about anybody else but I wouldnt care if it was my own mother, I would take her out at the table if that meant I was going to stack some chips.