Rock Star
Silver Level
I read recently the two very good articles here on CC about expected value and Pot odds and I thought this might come in handy for those of us who aren't great at the maths. Its an Outs table that gives the % Chance to hit and the Odds against making your hand for each number of outs, you get values for after the flop with two cards to come and after the turn with one card to come. Its taken from the May Edition of Poker Player Magazine here in the UK and they claim that these are the true odds for each number of outs. I have the magazine permanently open at the page with the table and its never far from reach when I'm playing poker.
I copied the data onto a chart in Excell and saved the Image. I don't know how to load to so its visible in this post so I've added a link to Imageshack where I've uploaded it. Use the link below and right click on the image and select Save Picture As to save it to your computer. Sometimes it will say the image has been scaled down to fit your computer screen(probably just my laptop which is a piece of sh*t), this will make it appear blurred, thats ok, it'll be normal when you've saved it.
I hope this helps a few people out.
I copied the data onto a chart in Excell and saved the Image. I don't know how to load to so its visible in this post so I've added a link to Imageshack where I've uploaded it. Use the link below and right click on the image and select Save Picture As to save it to your computer. Sometimes it will say the image has been scaled down to fit your computer screen(probably just my laptop which is a piece of sh*t), this will make it appear blurred, thats ok, it'll be normal when you've saved it.
I hope this helps a few people out.