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Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 15, 2006
Total posts
This is by no means another, "internet poker is rigged" post, but i would like to have a discussion about a certain area of online poker, the rivercard

in a nutshell, why is it that the rivercard is so kind on the internet??

let me explain,

AKs vs A3o, Q1086, why is it that in most cases the next card is a 3,
QQ vs 104 Q947, why is it in most cases the next card is a 4 or 10
but worst of all, lets say, As3c vs 10dKs Qd3c6dAd now he gives the A for a winning hand unless either a J or Diamond pop out, teasing the players really, coz we all now the Diamond is on its way, and sure enough there it is
you get my point, like i said, this is not a rigged post, i would like to here opinions on why the miracle river happens so often, is it the amount of hands per hour and they are so noticable? if so then why is my home game very rarely like this? why do i not experience such a high volume of this at the casino,

Your thoughts please


Silver Level
Jul 7, 2006
Total posts
So, it is another 'internet poker is rigged' thread then ;)

The memory is a very selective thing. Chuck a large volume of information at it and it will only remember certain parts. In this case, it means remembering the bad beats.

If you dug out your last 100,000 HH's and spent the time going through them in detail (not likely anyone would actually do this ofcourse), you'll find for sure that the stats hold up.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 15, 2006
Total posts
No i dont want ti to be another, internet poker is rigged, i have not received many of these beats in a while, i was watching a freind play and i noticed a very large number of "underdog" wins at the river, which got me to thinking about many of the unkind rivers i have been involved in, both good and bad, i might start keeping track of hands at the home game and see if it is just as much
Cupra 666

Cupra 666

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 19, 2006
Total posts
QQ vs 104 Q947, why is it in most cases the next card is a 4 or 10

I presume you mean that you hold the T,4? I think a strong possibility that the holder of QQ would raise pre-flop...forcing you out with that hand.Even if not,holding bottom pair on the flop,with a Q on the board,would usually see me fold.If it was checked down and i hit trip 4's on the river,then that could get me in trouble against a slowplaying QQ.But it depends a lot on position,who's in the pot,etc.

I must admit ive seen many times when ive lost to a suckout,or even hit my flush or straight on the river!

But its all about giving them the odds to call....if they're chasing a flush or straight and your not betting enough to force them out....chances are they will hit on the turn or river.

If you are betting big and they're still calling against their odds,and hitting their hand....well poker definitly sucks sometimes!


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
Total posts
Its more to do with the volume of hands, and the specific hands that stand out in your mind.

Remember that time your KK lost to QQ on the bubble of a big tournament ??? I certainly do.

Remember that time your KK BEAT QQ on the bubble of a big tournament ??? Nope :)