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Your question is somewhat simpler to answer than say,"What is the meaning of life", but it is still way to broad a question. You need to be as specific as possible with your question. The best way if you are new to the game is to pick out a hand that you had trouble making a decision about & post it along with your question. Keep in mind that the responses you get will provide you with food for thought & options to think about based on the responders experience & preferred playing style
rather than specific answers to your question, cause it always depends.
How many bigblinds do you think is a good bet with strong hands the traditional 3 BB or taking risks with all-in?:angel:
My answer the the question "what is the meaning of life" is simply, if one has to ask what is the meaning of life then clearly their life has little meaning. I do agree with your response to the poker question
well, you are very accurate with the poker explanation
but I cant agree with the second paragraph
you just destroyed one whole section of philosophy and great thinkers of the unknown.
maybe you live happy life without asking yourself those questions and without needing to
if they are premium hands the best thing is to play very aggressive and go out betting 5 bb, to win something good, it also depends if your opponents are aggressive it is better to go all in because in the end connecting a flash or ladder is what the opponents will look for at these tablesHow many bigblinds do you think is a good bet with strong hands the traditional 3 BB or taking risks with all-in? 👼