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How to find your own leaks?



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 23, 2022
Total posts
This is Rembo.
I play many freerolls in my life, sometimes I 'd play cash games or MTT . But the main theme for me is how i can find my mistakes... Can u advice somth?


Silver Level
Nov 23, 2022
Total posts
You'll need to make notes of your play yourself or install hand tracking software.
If you play on partypoker, they have a nice built in hand tracker for you so you can go back and study your own game and find your leaks pretty easily there. I really like that I don't need to install anything extra there.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 23, 2022
Total posts
You'll need to make notes of your play yourself or install hand tracking software.
If you play on PartyPoker, they have a nice built in hand tracker for you so you can go back and study your own game and find your leaks pretty easily there. I really like that I don't need to install anything extra there.
Thanks for good advice. How many you working for your play process?
yuriko oyama

yuriko oyama

Platinum Level
Sep 18, 2022
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friend we all know our mistakes.
we just need the courage to face them.


Bronze Level
Nov 23, 2022
Total posts
The only way to do this is by analyzing your hands, you can do this mentally, but I recommend a software, it will help you a lot.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 23, 2022
Total posts
The only way to do this is by analyzing your hands, you can do this mentally, but I recommend a software, it will help you a lot.
I had been used FlopNinja. But its cheep for lover... Can u advice some low coast software? What program did u choze?


Jan 20, 2009
Total posts
I think there are several ways you can do this:
1. Review your hands- using a replayer.
2. Run your hands through a ICM tool like sngwiz or icmizer.
3. Run hands through a GTO solver.
4. Post hands in forum for others to review.
5. Have a coach, friend, or training buddy review your hands.
6. Use software like leakbuster to analyze your play.
7. sharkscope can also take a look at your stats and provide insights.


Platinum Level
Feb 28, 2022
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Get a software that helps with this, for example Pokertracker.
Read different study materials to know what the right game would be.
If you want to improve quickly, look for a coach who will teach you the basics on microbetting, but this will cost a lot.
Find more experienced players to analyze games with.


Platinum Level
Sep 17, 2022
Total posts
Hey! I understand that if you are playing freerolls and ocassionally some mtts, probably you are not willing o spend money in a software right now.

Something that you can do is to take a note (if you're playing in a computer) of which hands you have doubts, and from the hands that made you lose a big amount of chips.

It requires to take some time to do it in the moment, cause if you don't use a software, you'll need to copy the exact number of the hand, in order to look for it later.

And then you can post them here to get some advices.


Bronze Level
Aug 5, 2022
Total posts
This is Rembo.
I play many freerolls in my life, sometimes I 'd play cash games or MTT . But the main theme for me is how i can find my mistakes... Can u advice somth?

That's an easy one to answer.....keep your poker room hand history, and review those hands you feel you did not play correctly.


Platinum Level
Aug 1, 2020
Total posts
Over time you will establish some habits good and bad- and should be able to identify the gaps. Especially, if you are losing more than winning. Always try to remember how similar hands played out and make small adjustments. Good luck!


Jan 20, 2009
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Another thing you can do if you have HM3 or PokerTracker you can mark interesting hands while you are playing and save them for later to review.


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Dec 3, 2022
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u can find your leaks on poker softwares.
most commons leaks are not aggresive enough.


Silver Level
Jan 1, 2022
Total posts
Most common leak is losing hand! 📱😄 You can analyse yourself how to win it when to fold etc, it takes litlle practicing but these giveaway payments increase value a lot in a long run. One thing at the time and with small steps is possible remove these overcalled overvalued hands. I'm on level almost close but not yet.


Lost in the twilight zone
Community Guide
Feb 21, 2018
Total posts
This is Rembo.
I play many freerolls in my life, sometimes I 'd play cash games or MTT . But the main theme for me is how i can find my mistakes... Can u advice somth?

Finding ones leaks are not simple. Also depending on where you are in your poker journey you may not have leaks but holes in your game. You also need to remember even great players have leaks in there game or can develop one over time.

As some have said tracking software can help but if your playing just free rolls you may not have any or play on a site that does not allow it. That is not nessasary a bad thing and frankly I think it makes it easyer in some ways to find issues in the games when you have to do things the hard way.

While I am far rom a pro or a great player I am a student of the game and in the 6th month of a study challage. Trust me in saying this, the more I am learning the more I relize how little I knew. One of the hardes parts on looking for leaks is really making sure its a leak. Once mistake does not make it a leak as leaks are issues over time. Also winning or losing a hand can cause you to miss and find leaks as well.

So here is how I have looks into my game.

Every game I play I write down notees on my hands as I play. I do record games to make sure I have th einfo corect but just writing down hands are a start. Now You dont eed to writer all or everything by the way. If you raise aces and everyone fold we don need to do that, What you do want to do it write down all hands that go to the river. This is a good way of getting info you need and help you to really focus on the game. Also you need to write down every hand when your asking yourself a question on what you should do. If your having a qeuetion you an learn from it. I also write down any hand thay are all in pre flop. Not everything on the hand but i will explain more in a sec.

How I note a hand. Say I raise from the low jack position with KsQs 2.5X and get called by the BB who is a tight agresave player. we see the flop with about 5.5BB in the pot and its Jc, 8c 3d. He checks and we pet 2BB and he calls pot is not 9.5bb. The turn is a Qc and check and we bet 3BB ad he calls again and the pot is now 15.5BB. River is a 3d and the BB leads out for 12BB and you now fold. This would be a great hand to write dowm. So how to write it easly.

open 2.5X LJ/ called BB. pot 5.5BB. Jc, 8c 3d x/b/c 2BB pot 9.5BB. Qc X/b/c 3bb pot 15.5BB. 3d and bet/f . Thats all you need and you can do it any way you want. If he shows the hand write it down. Now when I review it late I can really look at the hand. If your asking yourseld a question write it down.

Now later on you look at this hand to see if there was a issue. Your raise is fine and cbet looks good. You may of cbet small but its not too bad. Once he calls you know you have a player with somthing but what, We get happy and bet out top paid on the turn and happy we got a call but was it smart here? You may look at this and no see yes your happy with the Q but a flush and straight could have been made as well. Should we have bet here? It was a dangoues turn and vs a tight player. This gives you an idea how I look for my leaks.

As for all ins I just write diwn the way. open KQs v ATo HJ v BTN 12BB .

So how do the all ins help? Seeing what hand I push or called all ins in the past. I have foud errors where I had been pushing to wide to early and calling to lightly. Say you call a jam with KQo. many people do, But when you relize that the 10 times you did from the LJ postinion and relize you were behine in every all in vs UNG+1 you begin to relize your calling to lose in to early of a postion vs a very strong range,.

Last thing i would suggest, post hands in the forem. Get help from other players. Listen to what they say and learn from them. Now for the hardest part, Dont take there critisism wrong and dismiss what there saying. Some people dont like being told whats wrong but only want to hear what there doing right. Now lets say you doubt what there saying is correct. Ask your self why and explain to yourself why they are wrong. You might find there are times you cant and may relize they could be correct.

Hope this helps. Bets of luck to you,


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 23, 2022
Total posts
Hey! I understand that if you are playing freerolls and ocassionally some mtts, probably you are not willing o spend money in a software right now.

Something that you can do is to take a note (if you're playing in a computer) of which hands you have doubts, and from the hands that made you lose a big amount of chips.

It requires to take some time to do it in the moment, cause if you don't use a software, you'll need to copy the exact number of the hand, in order to look for it later.

And then you can post them here to get some advices.
Thanks u for understanding my troubles... I really dont want today to buy premium software


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Feb 1, 2023
Total posts
That's an easy one to answer.....keep your poker room hand history, and review those hands you feel you did not play correctly.
Additionally it's a good idea too look at the hands you won and examine whether your bet size and strategy could be optimized to maximise your ev


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 23, 2022
Total posts
Finding ones leaks are not simple. Also depending on where you are in your poker journey you may not have leaks but holes in your game. You also need to remember even great players have leaks in there game or can develop one over time.

As some have said tracking software can help but if your playing just free rolls you may not have any or play on a site that does not allow it. That is not nessasary a bad thing and frankly I think it makes it easyer in some ways to find issues in the games when you have to do things the hard way.

While I am far rom a pro or a great player I am a student of the game and in the 6th month of a study challage. Trust me in saying this, the more I am learning the more I relize how little I knew. One of the hardes parts on looking for leaks is really making sure its a leak. Once mistake does not make it a leak as leaks are issues over time. Also winning or losing a hand can cause you to miss and find leaks as well.

So here is how I have looks into my game.

Every game I play I write down notees on my hands as I play. I do record games to make sure I have th einfo corect but just writing down hands are a start. Now You dont eed to writer all or everything by the way. If you raise aces and everyone fold we don need to do that, What you do want to do it write down all hands that go to the river. This is a good way of getting info you need and help you to really focus on the game. Also you need to write down every hand when your asking yourself a question on what you should do. If your having a qeuetion you an learn from it. I also write down any hand thay are all in pre flop. Not everything on the hand but i will explain more in a sec.

How I note a hand. Say I raise from the low jack position with KsQs 2.5X and get called by the BB who is a tight agresave player. we see the flop with about 5.5BB in the pot and its Jc, 8c 3d. He checks and we pet 2BB and he calls pot is not 9.5bb. The turn is a Qc and check and we bet 3BB ad he calls again and the pot is now 15.5BB. River is a 3d and the BB leads out for 12BB and you now fold. This would be a great hand to write dowm. So how to write it easly.

open 2.5X LJ/ called BB. pot 5.5BB. Jc, 8c 3d x/b/c 2BB pot 9.5BB. Qc X/b/c 3bb pot 15.5BB. 3d and bet/f . Thats all you need and you can do it any way you want. If he shows the hand write it down. Now when I review it late I can really look at the hand. If your asking yourseld a question write it down.

Now later on you look at this hand to see if there was a issue. Your raise is fine and cbet looks good. You may of cbet small but its not too bad. Once he calls you know you have a player with somthing but what, We get happy and bet out top paid on the turn and happy we got a call but was it smart here? You may look at this and no see yes your happy with the Q but a flush and straight could have been made as well. Should we have bet here? It was a dangoues turn and vs a tight player. This gives you an idea how I look for my leaks.

As for all ins I just write diwn the way. open KQs v ATo HJ v BTN 12BB .

So how do the all ins help? Seeing what hand I push or called all ins in the past. I have foud errors where I had been pushing to wide to early and calling to lightly. Say you call a jam with KQo. many people do, But when you relize that the 10 times you did from the LJ postinion and relize you were behine in every all in vs UNG+1 you begin to relize your calling to lose in to early of a postion vs a very strong range,.

Last thing i would suggest, post hands in the forem. Get help from other players. Listen to what they say and learn from them. Now for the hardest part, Dont take there critisism wrong and dismiss what there saying. Some people dont like being told whats wrong but only want to hear what there doing right. Now lets say you doubt what there saying is correct. Ask your self why and explain to yourself why they are wrong. You might find there are times you cant and may relize they could be correct.

Hope this helps. Bets of luck to you,
Your opinion was very useful for me as a beginner in poker. Thanks u for this tips!


Bronze Level
Nov 23, 2022
Total posts
Your opinion was very useful for me as a beginner in poker. Thanks u for this tips!

Don't settle for anything, look no further, did you already know about the 30-day CC course? After him do another, then another, more and more, you will evolve more and more if you continue studying.
jonasz warzecha

jonasz warzecha

Platinum Level
Apr 27, 2015
Total posts
Finding ones leaks are not simple. Also depending on where you are in your poker journey you may not have leaks but holes in your game. You also need to remember even great players have leaks in there game or can develop one over time.

As some have said tracking software can help but if your playing just free rolls you may not have any or play on a site that does not allow it. That is not nessasary a bad thing and frankly I think it makes it easyer in some ways to find issues in the games when you have to do things the hard way.

While I am far rom a pro or a great player I am a student of the game and in the 6th month of a study challage. Trust me in saying this, the more I am learning the more I relize how little I knew. One of the hardes parts on looking for leaks is really making sure its a leak. Once mistake does not make it a leak as leaks are issues over time. Also winning or losing a hand can cause you to miss and find leaks as well.

So here is how I have looks into my game.

Every game I play I write down notees on my hands as I play. I do record games to make sure I have th einfo corect but just writing down hands are a start. Now You dont eed to writer all or everything by the way. If you raise aces and everyone fold we don need to do that, What you do want to do it write down all hands that go to the river. This is a good way of getting info you need and help you to really focus on the game. Also you need to write down every hand when your asking yourself a question on what you should do. If your having a qeuetion you an learn from it. I also write down any hand thay are all in pre flop. Not everything on the hand but i will explain more in a sec.

How I note a hand. Say I raise from the low jack position with KsQs 2.5X and get called by the BB who is a tight agresave player. we see the flop with about 5.5BB in the pot and its Jc, 8c 3d. He checks and we pet 2BB and he calls pot is not 9.5bb. The turn is a Qc and check and we bet 3BB ad he calls again and the pot is now 15.5BB. River is a 3d and the BB leads out for 12BB and you now fold. This would be a great hand to write dowm. So how to write it easly.

open 2.5X LJ/ called BB. pot 5.5BB. Jc, 8c 3d x/b/c 2BB pot 9.5BB. Qc X/b/c 3bb pot 15.5BB. 3d and bet/f . Thats all you need and you can do it any way you want. If he shows the hand write it down. Now when I review it late I can really look at the hand. If your asking yourseld a question write it down.

Now later on you look at this hand to see if there was a issue. Your raise is fine and cbet looks good. You may of cbet small but its not too bad. Once he calls you know you have a player with somthing but what, We get happy and bet out top paid on the turn and happy we got a call but was it smart here? You may look at this and no see yes your happy with the Q but a flush and straight could have been made as well. Should we have bet here? It was a dangoues turn and vs a tight player. This gives you an idea how I look for my leaks.

As for all ins I just write diwn the way. open KQs v ATo HJ v BTN 12BB .

So how do the all ins help? Seeing what hand I push or called all ins in the past. I have foud errors where I had been pushing to wide to early and calling to lightly. Say you call a jam with KQo. many people do, But when you relize that the 10 times you did from the LJ postinion and relize you were behine in every all in vs UNG+1 you begin to relize your calling to lose in to early of a postion vs a very strong range,.

Last thing i would suggest, post hands in the forem. Get help from other players. Listen to what they say and learn from them. Now for the hardest part, Dont take there critisism wrong and dismiss what there saying. Some people dont like being told whats wrong but only want to hear what there doing right. Now lets say you doubt what there saying is correct. Ask your self why and explain to yourself why they are wrong. You might find there are times you cant and may relize they could be correct.

Hope this helps. Bets of luck to you,
3d In the flop and the river 🤔
jonasz warzecha

jonasz warzecha

Platinum Level
Apr 27, 2015
Total posts
from my experience as well someone who want to improve
Small steps but with consistency😳

I decided to play one or two tournaments per day either is freeroll or small mtt sng and play it slooooow.
Usually I was waiting for monster hand, want to double up, overbeating and end up with nothing and even not playing which is the worse feeling.
Im reading this forum some time everyday, doing course, have book with me and sometimes even read but I’m not really book reader so going slow.
But for now going longer in turnament is a key.
Slowly you start to know some players, finding they style of play even bluffs becomes effective.
Some situations similar from material which you study, some similar hands which you play correctly then.

Put opponents on tight ranges so you will play tighter but after two good runs in the row belive me
3rd turnament you killing, you arrived, going strong from beggining and than same story on day 4.
Try to forget about bad beat short 3rd game come back here take next day of the course, read another chapter of book, a bit of yt and play again


Jun 19, 2022
Total posts
to see your mistakes, you need to review your games that you have already played if you have a friend who plays above your limits then show him your games and he will tell you your mistakes from the outside better, as they say, you can hire a coach well I think you don't want to spend money means there are free programs download the giveaway and see your mistakes the number of downloads of course will be small but difficult giveaways that you did not understand the program will help you


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 23, 2022
Total posts
Don't settle for anything, look no further, did you already know about the 30-day CC course? After him do another, then another, more and more, you will evolve more and more if you continue studying.
Yes. Ihad been seeing 5 lessons for beginners in this course.