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Heeeere fishy fishy fishy...



Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
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Ok, I love fish, but they're not helping me improve my game... I mean I'm making money and all, and I don't want to sound ungrateful, but how am I meant to know if I'm playing good poker when it's this easy to make a profit??

Ok, the hand was exceptional, but it was the calls on the end that I loved. I don't know who was worse, the bloke with the flopped straight who felt his str flush draw justified giving 5 players odds to chase their flushes, or the fella chasing his str who caught a pair of T's on the river and felt that justified an all in call.

Either way it was a gift of a hand for pocket 6's :-D

***** Hand History for Game 5454762964 *****
0/0 Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) - Thu Nov 23 00:05:07 EST 2006
Table Table 125548 (real money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: biiggii ( $133.55)
Seat 2: dwntwn60 ( $85.05)
Seat 3: myxiplx ( $133.90)
Seat 4: Made_in_CCCP ( $207.54)
Seat 5: Hendog44 ( $124.55)
Seat 6: flo84 ( $44.70)
Seat 7: Sticktoitism ( $62.20)
Seat 8: BigCat368 ( $111.50)
Seat 9: OldWhine ( $242.96)
Seat 10: peasouptoyou ( $40.90)
dwntwn60 posts small blind (0.50)
myxiplx posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to myxiplx [ 6c, 6s ]
Made_in_CCCP folds.
Hendog44 folds.
flo84 calls (1)
BigCat368 calls (1)
OldWhine folds.
peasouptoyou raises (2) to 2
biiggii calls (2)
dwntwn60 calls (1.50)
myxiplx calls (1)
flo84 calls (1)
BigCat368 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 9h, 6d ]
dwntwn60 bets (6)
myxiplx calls (6)
flo84 calls (6)
BigCat368 folds.
peasouptoyou calls (6)
biiggii calls (6)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
dwntwn60 bets (12)
myxiplx calls (12)
flo84 calls (12)
peasouptoyou calls (12)
biiggii calls (12)
** Dealing River ** : [ Th ]
dwntwn60 checks.
myxiplx bets (35)
flo84 calls (24.70)
flo84 is all-In.
peasouptoyou folds.
biiggii calls (35)
dwntwn60 folds.
Creating Main Pot with $173.10 with flo84
** Summary **
Main Pot: $173.10 | Side Pot 1: $20.60 | Rake: $3
Board: [ 8d 9h 6d 6h Th ]

biiggii balance $78.55, lost $55 [ 7d Td ] [ a straight Six to Ten -- Td,9h,8d,7d,6d ]
dwntwn60 balance $65.05, lost $20 (folded)
myxiplx balance $272.60, bet $55, collected $193.70, net +$138.70 [ 6c 6s ] [ four of a kind, Sixes -- Th,6c,6s,6d,6h ]
Made_in_CCCP balance $207.54, didn't bet (folded)
Hendog44 balance $124.55, didn't bet (folded)
flo84 balance $0, lost $44.70 [ Js Ts ] [ two pairs, Tens and Sixes -- Js,Ts,Th,6d,6h ]
Sticktoitism balance $62.20, sits out
BigCat368 balance $109.50, lost $2 (folded)
OldWhine balance $242.96, didn't bet (folded)
peasouptoyou balance $20.90, lost $20 (folded)


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 17, 2006
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First of all..I don't know how or why you can call the $6 raise with a straight on board and possible flush draw....then they call...and they'res no way in hell they think someone has quads. . .

You're complaining about improving your game? ...and somehow they're fish b/c you catch quads? loool It's just an incredibly lucky hand IMO. I wouldn't turn pro just yet.

I'm not trying to be an azzhole, just trying to be honest. I think you just want to post that you got quads or something...would like a pat on the back...I guess I gave the opposite. lol so anyway ...it was one hell of hand! Nice catch.
Last edited:


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
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lol, yeah, I know it was a loose call at that point, but I'm an aggressive player postflop and I figured I'd find out where I stand before folding trips. A straight was possible but not hugely likely and I'd expect anyone with a made hand to raise. If nobody raised and the turn didn't bring a flush or str card my intention was to semi bluff at the pot and take it down there.

Of course quads on the turn changed my gameplan slightly :D


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
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wsorbust isn't saying fold your set, he's saying raise to protect it and see where you are. Just calling a half pot bet gives the next player 4:1 pot odds, easily enough to chase a flush or open-ended straight.

myxiplx said:
I don't know who was worse, the bloke with the flopped straight who felt his str flush draw justified giving 5 players odds to chase their flushes, or the fella chasing his str who caught a pair of T's on the river and felt that justified an all in call... or the guy who flopped a set and gave everyone odds to chase their straights and flushes then got lucky


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
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Oh yeah, I wanted to let people chase the flush. With 6 people involved I just needed one caller to my raise to give others the odds anyway.

It's 3:1 in my favour that the flush card won't hit on the turn so I decided to save my push for there. That'll be making the flush chasers commit a much larger amount and I felt would be less likely to be called.

Don't know if the tactic is good or not, but it's something I'll do from time to time.


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
Total posts
Don't know if the tactic is good or not


You might want to read something by Sklansky to understand why we bet in poker. You want people to call without the right odds.


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
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** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 9h, 6d ]
dwntwn60 bets (6)
myxiplx calls (6)
flo84 calls (6)
BigCat368 folds.
peasouptoyou calls (6)
biiggii calls (6)

gotta raise to protect against the draw, or find out if someone flopped it broseph.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
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lol, yeah, I know it was a loose call at that point, but I'm an aggressive player postflop and I figured I'd find out where I stand before folding trips. A straight was possible but not hugely likely and I'd expect anyone with a made hand to raise. If nobody raised and the turn didn't bring a flush or str card my intention was to semi bluff at the pot and take it down there.
Yet you seem to be slating the flopped straight guy (biigii) for seemingly doing exactly the same thing? (not exactly the same actually, he had a stronger hand AND a back up flush draw).

Poker is very easy when you flop a set that improves to quads isn't it!


Silver Level
Mar 10, 2006
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myxiplx, nice catch. May I ask where you were playing, or should it be obvious?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
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Rob, yeah he had a stronger hand but my point was that he did nothing to protect it. He flopped the nuts on a very draw friendly flop. His flush could well be 2nd best if it hits and he really should have raised to either push out the chasers or ensure they're getting bad odds. He was last to act on a $36 pot on the flop, in ideal position to make people (me included) regret limping in.

I knew I had a pretty weak hand here, but for $6 I was prepared to call and take a gamble at hitting my 8 outs. Any of my outs were likely to give me the nuts with a good chance of a flush/str draw stacking off against them. It's risky, but the implied odds looked worth it.

Scouse, yeah lol, it's obvious. I only play on that one site :D And it has to be said, the fishing's great :D. I don't reckon I'm even a good player yet but this months $60 deposit has grown to $760 in three weeks! I've not had to do much more than wait for the nuts and ask to be paid off... On the day I won this hand I made a total profit of $240 in just a couple of hours at the tables.

I'd been playing the 10/25c tables for ages without much luck, strangely the 50c/$1 tables seem a lot happier to pay off monster hands. I really don't think I'm playing that well, but people are just paying me off so much it's insanely profitable.


Silver Level
Mar 10, 2006
Total posts
myxiplx, nice catch. May I ask where you were playing, or should it be obvious?


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
Total posts
I knew I had a pretty weak hand here, but for $6 I was prepared to call and take a gamble at hitting my 8 outs. Any of my outs were likely to give me the nuts with a good chance of a flush/str draw stacking off against them. It's risky, but the implied odds looked worth it.
myx, I think you're missing the point. It's highly unlikely someone will have flopped the straight, and you very probably have the best hand on the flop. However in a 6-way pot there's a good chance someone will have a 7, or 2 diamonds, so you need to make them pay to chase.
You have about a 33% chance to improve to a full house or better by the river, but the chances of your improving to a full house AND someone hitting their draw are only half that, since pairing the board will not make anyone's flush or straight (with the exception of [9d])... and if they make it on the turn rather than the river, they'll raise you and make it too expensive for you to draw.

Scouse, yeah lol, it's obvious. I only play on that one site :D And it has to be said, the fishing's great :D. I don't reckon I'm even a good player yet but this months $60 deposit has grown to $760 in three weeks!
Now I'm interested... :p where are you playing? - not Empire?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
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Hey bombjack,

No, I hear what you're saying bud, and I can't argue that's the way to do it. What I did here is by no means my normal play, it just felt right at the time. Ordinarily I'd raise straight away to find out where I stood, but with this many limpers I thought there was a good chance of someone flopping a strong hand, and the chances are at least one will be a big enough donk to call a raise chasing a straight anyway.

I just felt I'd get more information about where I stood by waiting for the turn, I fully expected to be laying this hand down.

Has to be said though, I had no idea my odds to improve to the FH were that good, but I think I was nervous of that giving someone else a better hand - it's definately possible someone else has hit a set here. If I remember my state of mind correctly, despite hitting trips I felt very nervous about this pot. I wasn't going to be committing any significant amount of chips without improving in a big way.

Keep the comments coming though folks, I'm learning a lot just reading this :D



Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
Total posts
PS. and yeah, I'm playing at empire :D If anybody wants a fishing permit just pm me ;-)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 19, 2006
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Scouse, yeah lol, it's obvious. I only play on that one site :D And it has to be said, the fishing's great :D. I don't reckon I'm even a good player yet but this months $60 deposit has grown to $760 in three weeks! I've not had to do much more than wait for the nuts and ask to be paid off... On the day I won this hand I made a total profit of $240 in just a couple of hours at the tables.

I find you quite insulting and annoying. I dont believe you've made $760 profit in three weeks and if you have, you've certainly been very lucky. However I hate to break it to you, but your probably going to end up losing it all by playing these levels without the bankroll for it.

I hate the term fish, because everyone has a bad day at the tables. Even a bad month. Its quite derogatory and the type of people that use the word often aren't that good themselves and feel the need to class themself better than the average recreational player.

However in this hand, you certainly appear to be the biggest fish at the table. You suckout by hitting quads and then come here looking for congratulations on getting lucky. Maybe if you wanted congratulations, you should of asked for it instead of trying to make your muppet play sound a genius play just because you caught quads and sucked out on someone.

I'm all for mixing my play up, I do nothing by the book and will do anything it takes to make a profit. But I dont brag about it when I suckout on someone - in fact, as a poker player. I am often embarrassed about making bad plays when behind, sucking out and getting rewarded for my own idiocy...

Maybe thats something you should think about. I think its always important to be courteous when playing this sport.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
Total posts
Sorry bud, don't mean to be insulting. I've got a cheeky sense of humour but I didn't intend to offend.

But I really have won that much, and yes, it's almost certainly due to a lucky streak. I don't believe I've improved enough to justify these wins, and I'm very concious whenever I get a few losses now.

However I don't think I'm playing above my bankroll, my $60 was playing on the 10/25c tables, after the lucky streak I moved up tables as my bankroll increased. I moved up to the $100 50c/$1 tables when my bankroll hit $400.

I'll take the point about bragging on the chin though, I got a bit overexcited with winning this, I had to tell someone but my gf's not exactly keen on poker... apologies if it wasn't an appropriate post.

I agree 100% about being courteous on the tables, I do make a point on the tables of apologising if I hit a lucky hand, and congratulating others when they win.



Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 19, 2006
Total posts
Fairplay then mate, sorry for being so harsh!

In terms of bankroll management, I said your playing way above it because you dont have that many maximum Buy ins. For example if you have one bad session in a day you can easily find 50% of your bankroll gone.

You should try only ever put 5% of your bankroll at stake in anyone day. I know this is a bit extreme and if you cant do this maybe you should think of dropping to the 0.25/0.50 tables where there isn't too much of a difference from 0.50/1.