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Atlantic City trip ( again long)



Silver Level
Dec 31, 2006
Total posts
ok so we got going a little late on Sunday but no big deal, the trip up there was painless because my wife and I talked the whole way and time just flew bye. We got there and she got something to eat but I wasn't hungry so I just sat there. Right away we jumped on the wait list of 2/4 limit, I sat 1st and she sat behind me till a seat opened up at table which didn't take long at all. We only sat there for about 20 minutes because we were also on the 2/4 omaha H/L list. I won one pot with like Jx because I got to see flop for my post and hit 2 pair.

We got called to our omaha table and it was a 2/4 limit omaha H/L with a $40 kill pot which took the limit to 4/8. For those that don't have a clue what that is, it means if someone scoops a pot of at least $40 then the next hand becomes 4/8 and it stays that way till there is a split pot. We messed around there a little I hit a gutshot to scoop a pretty nice pot, I also flopped a set of nines and open ended and got beat by set of jacks. My wife was losing money like crazy at this game so she said she wanted to go back to hold'em. I was enjoying the game but I said put us on list and save me seat and I will join you when hand is done. Well I scooped last pot and had to play the kill pot, when you get the kill you are forced to post next hand so I did. I had some crap hand like AA7T or something like that and flop was Axxx, well not bad huh? the next card paired the board so I won another kill pot and again was forced to play next hand. The next hand again I had crap like 359T or something like that and flop came out 335, I pushed all the way till river when I got bet into I raised and the river was a 7 and guy folded and when I showed he said he folded 3-7 hand. Why I dont know?!?!?! finally it was a split pot and I could leave..plus like almost $250 there.

we played hold'em for awhile and I lost about $50-$60 while my wife lost her remaining stack of $100. So I was only up about $100 at this point, well we went to roulette where I gave her another $100 to play with. At one point I was up like $200 at roulette but lost a bunch to leave at about +$50 Christina did decent and left up a little I think. So I gave her the last $100 I planned on giving her which she lost at penny slots.....dont ask me?!?! we had agreed to go to dinner at 5:30. so I went to play some 1/2 NL finally. I sat there for about 3 hours and basically didn't do a thing, she came down at 5:30 and I told her I wasn't hungry but in a hour I would go eat with her regardless. We ate and I went back to play.

I sat down and basically again got crap for hours but I was maintaining my stack at around $300. I got pocket fives and called a small raise, in this game you should call any small raise with any pockets because people can not lay down high pairs so your implied odds are massive in this game. Well the flop came down 566, hold crap right? guy bet into me and instead of slowplaying this I bumped it up a bit, I don't remember exact amounts but it was enough to say "hey I got this hand". Real loose player called me so I put him on the 6 and the pretty tight player started thinking. He said I think I got you beat? Now normally I shut my mouth right here but I went a different route this time and told him " I guarantee you don't have me beat, you have a high pocket pair and you are drawing to 2 outs" actually he is drawing to 4 in case a 6 comes. He went into tank forever the whole time I'm basically telling him he is crushed. I pushes his whole stack in middle and I immediately push all in, other guy folds and tells me he folded QQ but wouldn't of called 1st guys all in. Guy that pushes says he has JJ, don't know if he showed or not, I hold up and win about $200. I also hit a set again with 55 and won big put from someone who had AK on a A high board. I pushed him out on turn, I actually which I would of just cold called this bet because another player had AQ and folded on flop and a Q came on turn.

ok then this hand came up that we had a big discussion about, had AK suited in position and facing like a $20 raise that had been called my MP. I make it $45, I think it was the original raiser that said this raise was terrible because it didn't get anyone out. I actually think it was perfect with the guy having about $150 in stack it let me be able to get away from hand if he came over the top of me which is what I wanted. well the flop came out Axx all spades, I checked it because I was afraid of those spades. They basically knew what I had and I knew they had pocket pair or at least one of them. They knew I didn't have made hand I made that very obvious so they checked it through on flop. turn blanked and I fired out $50 and they folded. Im fine with how I played that hand. So now I was sitting at about $650- $700 in the game.

our table broke and we got split up and moved. I moved to this full table with my giant stack along with other guy at my original table with almost as big a stack. Basically we scared the hell out of the table, I played pretty tight and this dude kept trying to talk to me but I ignored him. He was being pretty annoying. I had JT in the big blind and called a small raise and so did small blind the flop came out JTx. Raiser I believe checked and small blind bet and I raised, I think 1st guy folded but if he didnt he did on turn and Small blind called. Turn blanked and small blind pushed all in and I called sooooo fast, he had AJ like I thought and blanked river. another $100 or so for me. The guy left then came back and the annoying guy said I scare him and the guy I busted said something like " he is good, smart player usually has it" I took that as a big compliment.

Ok so I was supposed to go up to room at 2am or 3am but I was on a rush and my wife understands when I'm running good that I will not leave the table until I start running cold. Well that didn't happen until like 6am. I cashed out of that table at about $750. So lets do some adding, starting bankroll was I believe $1380..-$100 hotel..-$300 Christina blew. so that is $980 and right now I have about $1580. So I made $680 on this trip only $200 profit but I made up all the expenses of the trip. If you looked at my hand history of this trip it would look like I should be down because I really didn't get great cards, was just able to get people to play back at me when I had it, which made this a profitable trip. I don't know if I will be going back next week, I will be there in 2 weeks for sure though.

think thats about it again my reads were dead on, I was able to pick out the playing styles right away. I even had a guy tell me he could read me and this other person. Yea good luck reading me buddie!!!! I did make some questionable calls when I had the big stack, with stuff like suited aces but I had the chips to make those calls. Not saying I called all ins preflop with them but I didn't mind calling $11 preflop with A4 suited where if I would of only had $300 in stack I wouldn't of. All in All successful trip.


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
Total posts
dont you love how the internet is overrun with abc TAG people, but live everyone is so LAG or weak tight. i sure do. congrats on the big wins, live is definetly by far my most fun playing environment, although i feel i have a more fearless game online.


Silver Level
Dec 31, 2006
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dont you love how the internet is overrun with abc TAG people, but live everyone is so LAG or weak tight. i sure do. congrats on the big wins, live is definetly by far my most fun playing environment, although i feel i have a more fearless game online.

it was funny when I came to my new table with like $700 in red chips this guy was like this guy scares me. Then I ended up folding a flop or two when I missed and he was like you are not too scary. Then I limped UTG with AQ. Not strong play but wanted to just see flop, then this player raised to $7 who always always raises to $7 and I knew this guy had NOTHING. 2 or 3 people called and I bumped it to $35 knowing everyone was folding and yes they all folded and guy told me ok you scare me now again.

There was one player that was a decent LAG player, his spots he picked were decent. Its soo simple to pick out the different player types in live games, I think im going back up there on tuesday next week. Im mainly a live player now.


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
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i feel like im more profitable live, but i play a better game online. how weird is that.

congrats on your success, hopefully we can play together live sometime.


Silver Level
Dec 31, 2006
Total posts
will do

i feel like im more profitable live, but i play a better game online. how weird is that.

congrats on your success, hopefully we can play together live sometime.

if you live near Atlantic City I basically go down almost weekly so just leave me Private Message anytime and I will make arrangements to meet you.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Feb 13, 2007
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Man that's awsome I live and Florida and only no-limit games we have are small buy-in tourneys and sit and go's and we are stuck playing with chasing donks at a striaght $2.00 table unless we can catch one of the boats before they leave after work or on weekend.

I usually do good at the striaght $2 game buy-in for like $100 and usually leave with $400-$500 by the time it closes at 12 mid-night our pokerrooms are only open for 12 hours here until legislation changes and we'ere only aloud to play $2 striaght so we have alot of hopefull chasing people that make the pots sometimes top $200 a pot the most I've won in one night was $1700 when people sat there rasing into my fullhouses and top kicker flushes.

I once went to Tampa Hark Rock and hit the Royal Flush of Spades Jackpot for $38,000 and I would say I will be ahead there forever
There's no way I-ll lose $38,000 playing striaght $2 poker lol.