Please help me control my bad beat!!!!



Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Aug 8, 2008
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2 weeks seems excessive...

Here are a few suggestions - first, if you've been playing much, I seriously doubt you haven't given a serious bad beat to someone else. I've been on the receiving and giving ends of this hand several times over. I remember being the bad beat recipient much more vividly than being the giver, but when I remember that I've been the giver, it tones down the frustration of being the receiver.

Second, go through this thread. A lot of people are putting this into the right context - you got your money in good and got tremendously unlucky - you did exactly the right thing, but your hand was not a lock.

Third, take a little more time off, like another month, before going to the casino again. Seriously, if you're still tilting, you'll play badly.

Fourth, if you can't get past this, give up playing poker. Bad beats are a basic part of the game, and are actually necessary to making poker profitable. Not trying to be a jerk by saying this, but if bad beats set you off too much, you won't enjoy the game.


Silver Level
Feb 22, 2009
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Reason why I checked from small blind was because there were 3 people left to act and I'm utg during the flop. When I saw that King on the flop, I'm definitely sure one of three players has a King since it was a raised pot. This is why I checked, pretending I DON"T have a set. Purpose of this is to squeeze play all the raise and all the blinds, which I did and perfectly trapped one of the callers who folded when I reraised all in. I dunno what he had because he folded after I reraised but that's the purpose.

Well there's 2 ways to look at it.Hit it hard up front or check raise as you did and try to get it all. Me personally, I would rather win a small pot with that kind of board and get the draws to fold. If you check raise chalk it up to giving a guy a look at too many cards.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 17, 2007
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I would extremely suggest taking a few days off if not a week from poker. I find taking the day off before a big tournament helps clear my brain from any bad beats and keeps my brain fresh


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 21, 2008
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getting bad beats can really put some people into that special place where they dont give a shit no more and start gambling out of control. Shoving any cards or calling raises with stupid cards. I tend to get pissed off about bad beats also, but lately the thing that seems to work for me is to tell myself...

Poker is a game of luck and skill. This hand was just unlucky. I CANT CONTROL LUCK so why should i be stressing it. IN THE LONG RUN i`m GOING TO MAKE MONEY as long as my ACTIONS WERE CORRECT.

Remember just because you got a bad beat does not mean you played your hand correctly. A lot of times when we get bad beats we make mistakes. We either dont raise when we should or we dont reraise when we should. Or sometimes we check trying to trap when we shouldnt. Evaluate each BAD BEAT to make sure it was not the fault of your play but only BAD LUCK... BAD LUCK comes and GOES


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 25, 2009
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Wow reading ur opener makes me reconsider stepping inside a casino (Im 20) but then you said you built up 14000 from 20??? WOW...forget it bro ur doing something right!


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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getting bad beats can really put some people into that special place where they dont give a shit no more and start gambling out of control. Shoving any cards or calling raises with stupid cards. I tend to get pissed off about bad beats also, but lately the thing that seems to work for me is to tell myself...

Poker is a game of luck and skill. This hand was just unlucky. I CANT CONTROL LUCK so why should i be stressing it. IN THE LONG RUN i`m GOING TO MAKE MONEY as long as my ACTIONS WERE CORRECT.

Remember just because you got a bad beat does not mean you played your hand correctly. A lot of times when we get bad beats we make mistakes. We either dont raise when we should or we dont reraise when we should. Or sometimes we check trying to trap when we shouldnt. Evaluate each BAD BEAT to make sure it was not the fault of your play but only BAD LUCK... BAD LUCK comes and GOES

LOL, but the thing is, I didn't check or tried to give people free card. I reraised all in because there were 2 clubs on the board, and also, 67, which gives people a straight draw. I had the 3rd nuts during the flop, best hand during the flop. It was strictly TPTK vs a set. I got all the drawing hands to fold. But yet, he pulls it. Nothing I can do at that point. If I checked during the flop and everyone else checked and turn came up, then yes, I can't really complain because people will consider flush draw by the turn. But when I check-raised all in during the flop, People are not gonna call over a backdoor flush.

I'm planning to go to different casino for a while and try out my poker there. Going back to that same casino that gave me bad beats back to back makes me want to burn that place down. I've given myself enough break already.


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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Wow reading ur opener makes me reconsider stepping inside a casino (Im 20) but then you said you built up 14000 from 20??? WOW...forget it bro ur doing something right!

I still recommend casino over online if you're 20, at least try indian casinos. Casinos are much easier to grind than online. I can guarantee you that. I played in 20, people don't know shit about poker. They're very loose and if you can get your money in while you're heavily favorite, you'll win no matter what. They're strictly ATM machine when you have the best hand. First time i went to casino, I won almost 600 with just 20. I had 200 bucks in my pocket, I just sat down, decided to relax and play. I didn't re-buy single time and I won over 100 in $20buy-in 1/1, moved up to 1/2, grinded it there. I made every right plays, I got every nuts, I was running into hot deck. I flopped quads twice in one day the first time I went. I won 600 first time and more the second day. This got me started in poker. You have no idea how lucky I was the first time, which was my bankroll booster. Short-stacks were all-ining, I would call with random suited connectors because I even tell them, "i'll double you up" since they kept getting dominated by my premium hands and I hit my straight/flush/trips/two pairs, etc.

But when I play online, it's much harder because people know what they're doing, everyone knows math, everyone uses special program, keep track, calculate odds, play more hands, learn very quickly. But in casino, you see lot of donks who play wrecklessly and you have huge advantage against low stake tables if you're online player because you played more hands than their lives and you know more situations and environment of texture of board than them.

I grinded to 14k so far, had it to 20k. But online, I just have 50 bucks on it and only got that from freerolls(I lost 100 bucks before because I had poor bankroll management and played on .5/1 or 1/2 when I only had 60 bucks), and I have trouble grinding that up. I try to use online to have fun, not trying to be serious with it or become a millionaire using online poker or make living off it. I use online to kill time when I'm home and not in casino but want to play poker. I use online to build my skills mentally.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Aug 8, 2008
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I still recommend casino over online if you're 20, at least try indian casinos. Casinos are much easier to grind than online. I can guarantee you that. I played in 20, people don't know shit about poker. They're very loose and if you can get your money in while you're heavily favorite, you'll win no matter what. They're strictly ATM machine...

I agree with alot of your point here. There are a lot of bad live players, and you can make a lot of money playing live. Like you, I've made a lot more money playing live than online.

Below is not directed at you at all, I know you're not advocating what I'm criticizing below.

For those who are learning to play, especially if you're trying to build a bankroll - be very careful following through with any plan you may have after reading this post to go fleece the local casino crowd by playing random hands.

You're better off getting a solid game together and THEN going to the casino to fleece the tourist crowd. It's a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to do that at microstakes on line and in consuming educational materials (participate in forums, read books, watch videos, etc.) than getting an education at a casino, if there are competent players at the table - and, chances are, there'll be at least one.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 31, 2008
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IMO drop down to 2/4....variance will eat you alive at 5/10 with only 14k, its inevitable...


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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I agree with alot of your point here. There are a lot of bad live players, and you can make a lot of money playing live. Like you, I've made a lot more money playing live than online.

Below is not directed at you at all, I know you're not advocating what I'm criticizing below.

For those who are learning to play, especially if you're trying to build a bankroll - be very careful following through with any plan you may have after reading this post to go fleece the local casino crowd by playing random hands.

You're better off getting a solid game together and THEN going to the casino to fleece the tourist crowd. It's a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to do that at microstakes on line and in consuming educational materials (participate in forums, read books, watch videos, etc.) than getting an education at a casino, if there are competent players at the table - and, chances are, there'll be at least one.

It's very true. You have to be veteran though. Before stepping into casino for the first time, I used to play with my friends, home games, read books, etc. My korean friend, who's a skilled player in korean gambling games, taught me some tricks up his sleeves. When I went to casino, I was rolling. Skills + Luck = jackpot. That's why I was able to make over 600 bucks with just 20 dollars the first time I went to casino. I would definitely recommend playing online before going to casino. Lot of people in casino learn through losing 100s and 1000s of dollars to learn while you can lose while losing 50-100 bucks online. You play more hands and rounds, learn very quickly.