Introduction and preliminaries to poker

I Live Poker

I Live Poker

Platinum Level
Oct 7, 2018
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You parachuted into an FT and 3-handed and BB Villain squezze 22 vs BT who had made 4x preflop and you had 55 and folded quickly but realized it was +EV because BT insta pushed AA.:eek:

If you didn't understand anything I said, you're in the right topic!:joyman::vroam:

Topic intended to meet the needs of players who are parachuting into the magical world of poker and would like to interact more, but sometimes have their ability to express themselves and cognition compromised by simple abbreviations that prevent interaction.

I will be releasing content in Portuguese on the topic:

For those who need or have a lot of difficulty with translations.
Thank you ! Hope this helps!:icon_thum


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I Live Poker

I Live Poker

Platinum Level
Oct 7, 2018
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Examples of ranges and their abbreviations

Examples of ranges and their abbreviations
*We have the (1)range of the pairs that are represented by the number of the card with the sign + and it means that the field includes the mentioned pair and all above it.
1)JJ+= :jd4::jd4: / :qs4::qh4: / :kc4::kh4: / :ac4::ac4:
2)22+=:2d4::2s4: / :3s4::3h4: / :4c4::4h4: / :5h4::5s4: ...
* Abbreviation for the ranges of two different cards or better, I will try to approach it in a very practical way and without tables just for the purpose of superficial knowledge, for when you see such an abbreviation.
Well coming back these ranges are exemplified as follows:
A8o+ means that A8 (2)offsuit and all hands better than it will be included
1) A8o+= :8h4::ad4: /:ad4::10s4: / :ks4::as4:...
2) KJo+= :kc4::jh4:, :qd4::kd4:, :2h4::ah4:, :ac4::5h4:(or A5o) :ah4::10h4:(or ATs)...

* Abbreviations for the range of two cards of the same suit or better:
A9s+ means Ah9h (for example) and all better hands will be included.
1) A9s+= :as4::10h4:, :as4::9s4:, :qh4::ac4:, :ks4::as4:...
2) JQs+= :ks4::qc4:, :qh4::kh4: , :ac4::2c4:, :as4::10h4:...

*We can't also forget about the term suited connectors, your friend goes there and says: - man, in this situation I push all-in with all suited connectors, 78s+ for example. Which are they?

1) 78s+ = 78s ,79s,89s,8Ts,9Ts,9Js... including the ranges above is that in the case of these terms players always usually mention the minimum range they would make each action thus knowing that everything above (or better) is included.
2) Are considered:
A)suited strong connectors: the cards of the same suit linked to the next subsequent card.
B)suited medium connectors: the cards of the same suit connected but with a vacant interval of one card between them.
C)suited weak connectors: the karsts of the same suit with the vacant interval of two to three cards between them.

*We can't forget about the simply connected cards, but the name says it all and the parameter to define its strength is the same as the suited connectors except it doesn't have to be of the same type.

* In some cases players can refer to the card range in another way which is using two selections of range abbreviations and it is also common to use the character (3)X and not a number or a card, it just means any other card.
1)55+/A2s+= 55,66,77,88,99.... and A5o ,A2s, ATo AQs...
2)22+/Ax+ = 22,33,44,,55,66.... A2o,A3o,A4s,A5s ,ATo, AQs...

Hope this helps!:icon_thum

(1)A named and categorized X number of preset hands contained within a deck of 52 cards and their multiple combinations.
(2)Any two cards of different suit
(3) any card
I Live Poker

I Live Poker

Platinum Level
Oct 7, 2018
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Table positions and their nomenclatures and concepts

Hello everyone, welcome!
In this topic we will talk about table positions, their nomenclatures and abbreviations as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
-Why is there so much talk about positions?
-Why are they important?
* Well to start I must say that they are really important and in short they are the ones who determine who will be the first to do an action as well as the last one from the first round as in the others.

*There are nine positions on the table:
Button , Small blind, Big blind , Under the Gun , Under the Gun 1 , Under the Gun 2 , Middle position , Middle position 1 , Middle position 2 and Cutoff.

Corresponds to the following abbreviations:
BTN , SB , BB , UTG1 ,UTG2 , MP , MP1, MP2, and CO

They can also present the variation of nomenclature:
BTN , SB , BB , UTG ,UTG1 , MP , MP1, HJ and CO (example in (screenshot 1 End of post)

Best positions, worst positions and some concepts.

*Well, the reference to know which position we are in is the BTN, we know that they are on their left, always SB and BB, the hand that ends the BTN moves one position to the left, so that everyone at some point is forced to bet (stuck in the blind)

*Worst positions: SB, BB, UTG1 and UTG2

*SB: is the last to decide pre-flop, but post-flop he will be the first to speak. Which leaves you with no action advantage.

*BB: there is no open raise decision pre flop and post flop he is the second to speak and if SB folds he will be the first.

*UTG1: he is the first to speak on the pre flop, thus being the worst position, he has no information advantage on the subsequests and on the post flop he will be the third to speak, but if there is a fold of SB and BB he will be the first to speak and so on for each position (relative position).

*Average positions: MP, MP1 and MP2

*Best positions: CO and BTN
* The Cutoff and Button thus have the information and action advantage both pre-flop and post-flop
(they see the actions of all players before deciding and acting)

* But keep in mind that they are just parameters and nomenclatures for distinguishing information and action advantage over your opponent. They can even change according to how many players there are at the table (vacant seats) and this is called relative position.

*The only fixed positions regarding the question of relative position are:
SB , BB and BTN . SB and BB because they are mandatory bets
and BTN, because it is the second to last to decide on the pre flop, so its position cannot be stolen by those who are in previous positions and because it cannot steal the position of the following ones who are stuck to the obligatory, since the UTG has a peculiarity it can steal all the positions ahead but no one steals yours.
However, the other positions can change their (relative) position regarding the information advantage, becoming relatively corresponding to the fixed positions and to each other, but always having the fixed positions as a basis for their comparison.

Let's go to some examples:

1) You are in the MP but the seats in front of the BB are vacant, without players and you notice that the MP1, MP2 and CO players are absent.
-Are you playing MP?
- No, you're in CO, right?

(example in screenshot 2 End of post)

2) You are in UTG1 and you open raise 2X and the villain in UTG2 makes a ReRaise 6X and MP , MP1 , MP@ , CO and BTN are sitout. - Are you facing a reraise range of UTG2 vs UTG1?
- No, because his relative position is now CO and the villain BTN, making him change his whole concept of reading ranges. if from UTG2 he would only reraise with premium hands, in this situation he will have a much wider range (he will do it with weaker hands and the same goes for you in the open raising range, if you would only open TT+ and AJs+ from
UTG1 now you will be opening raise with 66+ and A9o+ (illustrative ranges)

(example in screenshot 2 End of post)

-Well and if you are on BTN and all sitout?
- Well then pay attention because you just open-raise and steal the SB and BB chips! :biggrin:

Hope this helps!:icon_salu



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Bronze Level
Jan 6, 2017
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Good initiative young man, you will learn a lot teaching, congratulations.
I Live Poker

I Live Poker

Platinum Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Good initiative young man, you will learn a lot teaching, congratulations.

Hello my dear, thank you very much! It could have been better, but I followed all the steps to be able to put images under texts and it doesn't work. It would be more explanatory. but google drive does not work.

Hello my dear, thank you very much!:) It could have been better, but I followed all the steps to be able to put images under texts and it doesn't work. It would be more explanatory. but google drive does not work. I will try the last thing


Lost in the twilight zone
Community Guide
Feb 21, 2018
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Great work Victor. Really like where you are going by doing this. keep up the great work.
I Live Poker

I Live Poker

Platinum Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Player styles and their characteristics

Hello everyone, well to start I feel obliged to end some taboos that this subject involves. I realize that many professionals and streamers are very concerned about this, avoiding exposing other players with their notes, often even avoiding having a note like fish for example.
Well, I think that this is an honorable attitude and that it shows the appreciation and empathy for players who are possibly starting, however I need to leave my point of view in relation to this matter:

* Poker is a very egalitarian sport that puts all players on the same level (at some point)

* There are players who choose to play like fish, losse agro, or even maniacs, and that doesn't mean they aren't profitable. It's all about understanding what you're doing and mastering your style, balancing your moves well according to your image so that it confuses your opponents, making you win a lot of chips when you have value hands and lose few when you don't.

*Now imagine, so as not to offend players who have tendencies that assume behaviors of the fish archetype, I make my notes with their tendencies:

Fish: VPIP: 45/ PFR: 5 / 3-Bet: 0 ; In other words, a loose passive player who doesn't
3-bet , pays a lot 3-bet , it's calling station raises little and a lot of donk bet fold :D
That would be boring and I would probably finish the tournament before finishing the note :icon_chee

And among other issues like betting too little and paying too much along the streets, going too much to showdawn and winning too little at show dawn, paying too much on the river.
Well then, today we are going to try to get into this subject and what makes us identify each style as well as approach the statistics in a superficial way.

Get to work!
Note: I will mention typical examples, but it may vary.

1) Donk: He enters a lot of hands, doesn't have a predefined range, makes inquisitive plays, overestimates the value of his hands and ignores odds and pot odds, in short, he doesn't know what he's doing, he just knows that in poker the best is be aggressive (I used to be like that)
* stats: VPIP 50/ PFR:30 / 3-Bet: 35/ fold:3-bet: 5/went to show danw: 70/ won at showdawn:20.

2)Fish: Enters many hands almost always limping or flat (completing or just placing the minimum),
if he has a draw he won't fold, pays a lot along the streets and bets little and raises little, doesn't 3-bet loses a lot on the river. However some players carry this character similar to donks but know what they are doing and have some brief notion of ranges and range balance.
* stats: VPIP: 40 / PFR :7 / 3-bet : 0/ fold 3-bet : 0/ went to show danw: 60/ won at showdawn:22.

3) Passive: This is peculiar and can be a profitable and very safe style if you know how to use your image to your advantage. And in this style players are tight but passive, do not react and are calling stions, some have a low frequency of 3-bets and others do not, they give up almost all 3-bets received, however they balance the range and win more on the river.
*stats: VPIP : 20 / PFR: 5 / 3-bet: 2/ fold 3-bet: 70/ went to show danw: 30/ won at showdawn:60.

4) NIT: Excessively conservative player, plays very few hands and when they enter they are with the premium range which makes them give up very little along the streets, some have a very low frequency of 3-bets, but they tend to slow play trying to hide the value of the hand. They win big at show dawn and will never bluff you on the river. al, some have the leak of not being able to fold with premium hands like: an AKo that doesn't hit. They know how to balance the range, and pay attention, some use this strategy only at the beginning of the tournament and at the end they start to attack taking advantage of their image, I call it a false TAG.
*stats: VPIP : 11 / PFR: 4 / 3-bet: 1/ fold 3-bet: 80/ went to show danw: 20/ won at showdawn:70.

5 Tight: He has well-balanced tendencies both pre-flop and post-flop, but he reacts little and doesn't usually defend himself in the blind war, low frequency of 3-bets or even not at all. They play the standard range GTO go very little to show dawn and win moderately.
*stats: VPIP : 20 / PFR: 10 / 3-bet: 0/ fold 3-bet: 70/ went to show danw: 15/ won at showdawn:50.

6) TAG(aggressive tight): These have similarities with pure tights but they are aggressive, high 3-bet frequency, know how to defend, have accurate range reading and a great range balance. They defend very well in the blind war. in general everything very balanced.
*stats: VPIP : 20 / PFR: 18 / 3-bet: 10/ fold 3-bet: 50/ went to show danw: 30/ won at showdawn:60

7) REG: Regs are usually the ones that give the most work, they have similar tendencies to TAGs but are looser and have a wider arsenal of moves (as if the TAG were harder) they have more flat hands and 3 -bet fold for example, they balance the range with excellence, have great reading and take advantage of situations that find the possibility or equity of folding, they are attentive hunters.
*stats: VPIP : 25 / PFR: 18 / 3-bet: 8/ fold 3-bet: 50/ went to show danw: 40/ won at showdawn:65

8) Spew (or sapzzy): (This style I learned from my friend trent32la) these are also a lot of work they play a lot of hands aggressively, have a great arsenal of moves, are unpredictable, polarize the range confusing and playing with the balance of range , are extremely mental players with great readability.
*stats: VPIP : 33 / PFR: 24 / 3-bet: 15/ fold 3-bet: 40/ went to show danw: 50/ won at showdawn:50

9) LAG (or loose aggressive): It has similar tendencies to spew, but the arsenal of moves is always based on aggression, that is, they balance the bluff and value ranges by always putting in a lot of chips. They 3-bet excessively and don't worry much about the reading since he is always the aggressor and observed in the case, they lose more at show dawn and go a lot to shiw dawn.
*stats: VPIP : 35 / PFR: 27 / 3-bet: 18/ fold 3-bet: 30/ went to show danw: 70/ won at showdawn:35

Observations: of course this is not a rule and you should capture as many trends as possible to better identify them. Low sampling can confuse your design. Another issue that I would like to point out is that in case you still have doubts or the opponents present tendencies of two styles equally, you can make the marriage of styles (I do)

Fish (aggressive)
Fish (spew)
And so on.

Hope this helps ! big hug!:ciao:

I Live Poker

I Live Poker

Platinum Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Equity of combos in 1 vs 1 (HU) pre-flop

Hello players and friends, in this post I will show you the equity of some preflop simple hand combinations 1vs 1 or HU if you prefer.

Most of the hands are played "one against one" due to the game mechanics, which in short is based on getting an advantage over your opponent and making the odds in your favor with various tricks. One of these tricks, which I assume, everyone here must have heard about is aggression, this characteristic that is responsible for most of the disputed pots being one against one (HU), and it really is essential for you to increase your equity, (chances of winning the hand) since in multiway pots (several players) you will lose a lot of the value of your hand and dividing your equity, and even if you have a strong hand this will not mean much in the final result being able to then be beaten by a marginal hand. (you will never want to play AA against 5 opponents).

So let's go to some examples of equity!

1) situations between 50% vs 50% (flip coins) of average equity:
These situations are between pocket pairs versus any two higher cards, however they can even have a margin between 45% to 55% equity, not necessarily 50/50 equity. Examples: AKo vs 99 / AKs vs 55 / AJo vs 88 / 77 vs A9s. (illustrative images at the bottom of the page)

2) situations between 40% vs 60% equity on average:
Well I call this type of situation live cards, that is, hands with lower equity that are not yet completely dominated and thus have a high chance of winning, or hands that have higher equity but still have a high chance of losing.
Among them we have the most common examples such as: A9o vs JKo / ATo vs JKs / AQo vs JKs / A4o vs JTs / A9o vs JTs / A6o vs 89s / AJo vs QKs / A5o vs TQs.
*Well there are several examples of this condition of "live cards" but the common features are:

A) The player with the lowest probability of winning (unfavorable equity) has cards that block possible games such as straight and has no cards equal to the opponent's. Examples AJo vs KQs / ATovs JQs / A5o vs 67s;

B) The player with the least equity has two cards higher than X(AX) > Examples:: 9To vs A5o/ A8o vs JTo/ A9o vs JQs.

C) The player with the lowest equity has a card greater than X(AX) and another that blocks a possible combination of play for the opponent. Examples: JKo vs 9Ao / JKo vs ATo / JKs vs QAo. (illustrative images at the bottom of the page)

3) situations between 30% vs 70% equity on average:
This type of situation is classified as dominated hands ie 70/30 situations. These hands are generally stronger AX versus weaker Ax or pocket pair higher than X(Ax). Some examples: ATo vs AJo / A9s vs KAo / ATo vs AKo / QKs vs AKo / JKo vs AJo / QTo vs AQo / A9o vs JJ / A7o vs 88 /AJo vs QQ .(illustrative images at the bottom of the page)

4) situations between 20% vs 80% equity on average:
These situations are basically the Pairs vs Big Pairs situations. Examples: JJ vs QQ / KK vs AA / 22 vs 88 / 44 vs TT. (illustrative images at the bottom of the page)

A big hug, I hope it's useful!:icon_thum


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I Live Poker

I Live Poker

Platinum Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
A message about discipline to parents, it's about "Poker" too

They sleep in their parents' bed as long as they want. They drop the bottle and pacifier when they want to. They only eat what they want.
And? What harm does it do?
Antisocial at age 11.
Best cell phone every Christmas.
Deaf with their headphones.
Hundreds of virtual friends.
They don't think about the risks.
Social Party? If it's not great, I won't.
High level of demand. They get everything they want.
And? What harm does it do?
Parents don't need to play.
The cell phone does this.
Parents don't need to pick up at parties.
Uber does this.
Parents don't need to cook.
Ifood does that.
Parents don't even need to educate. The whole school does that.
And? What harm does it do?
They don't even think that all the child wants is "a tug of the ear" and a scolding: "today is not a party day! Go eat good food!" Raising children is "easier", more comfortable, after all, the child solves everything with clicks on the screen.
And? What harm does it do?
Read to the child? Singing music and cafuné? Luxury for the few. Parents are offline. They need help, but they only accept it when the bomb goes off.
Parents and children under one roof but zero dialogue. Not a movie together. But they always get that perfect family selfie. After all, what matters is to show that you are happy. Get a thousand likes.
Little do they know what a board game is. Thinking has become something that hurts. Making a child think seems like making him suffer.
And what do you want to be when you grow up?
Youtuber. Blogger. vlogger
Digital influencer.
Study, enter college, specialize... imagine!! I don't know how to wait.
I don't know how to listen.
I don't know what frustration and rejection are.
Whose fault?
Oops! It cannot be talked about.
It can't be anything else.
You cannot spank, you cannot speak loudly, not even standing with the child. You cannot punish him. You can't even say no.
And time passing. The children growing up. Drugs and suicide on the rise.
They want everything right now.
Right in the "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" scheme. What about the adult who doesn't say "amen,"
Text: Denise Dias Therapist.


põrandaalune pokkerimängija
Mar 26, 2018
Total posts
You parachuted into an FT and 3-handed and BB Villain squezze 22 vs BT who had made 4x preflop and you had 55 and folded quickly but realized it was +EV because BT insta pushed AA.:eek:

If you didn't understand anything I said, you're in the right topic!:joyman::vroam:

Wait what?!? Arent you this villain then :hmmmm2:
I Live Poker

I Live Poker

Platinum Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Wait what?!? Arent you this villain then :hmmmm2:

I'm :),And neither are you my dear friend.
May Poker always bless you, may the streets all be runner runner. May the Nuts be with you!