Rock Star
Silver Level
Which do you perfer: live play or online and why
Well for me its definately live play by a mile. I play a good bit. once or twice a week, be it in a tourament, with friends at home or in my local bar. And I win consistently, not blowing my own trumpet or anything but I do.
But as for online, I just can't seem to get a consistency going, I just about break even.
Maybe I don't pay enough attention, or maybe Im just crap, I don't know. I dont get the same buzz as in live play, the adrenalin rush I get from online is absolutely nothing compared to live play.
In live play you have people to share your great wins, or to condole you when you get a bad beat. They don't fire insults at you from across the table, well maybe thats a lie, no actually that is a lie. At least you can look them in the eye when they do. lol
And best of all I get to take Tenbob out of the game.
So guys and girls, which tickles your fancy and why.