I have never lost a Penny playing Poker, I have never made a deposit so how can I lose On-line? My Balance is my
bankroll and it is over $600 now and I rarely play that much anymore, I have played 2X$1 SnG games since last Christmas, just to keep my
pokerstars Chest Active, and I won both of them.
I just don't have the passion for the game I once had, even for Live events, I have not played in a Pub or Casino ever since Covid 19 closed them all around 4 years ago, My Live game bankroll is safe and stands at over £4,000 because I have not played for so long and I really don.t need the money So it will probably go to my Kids when I pop off this mortal coil.
You cannot take it with you, as there are no pockets in Shrouds, So for me I have no need for it.