Silver Level
Hi, im new, kind of.
iv been playing poker for 5 years on and off.
i play well, i usualy build up into the $100 from $30 and have got above $500 a good few times and can win any kinda game u sit me at over time my cards are better.
Its just im rubbish at cashing out (ie- i always forget that part)
yesterday i droped a lot (i was into my 3rd week after a 6month break)
& i droped a couple of hundred after building well for 2 weeks
then i deposited and dropped another 200 of my own cash.
and at the time i felt like no matter what i did the wrong thing would happen, like the system had picked up on something about me and didnt want me to win.
i know this is irrational.
today i asked to get my account blocked. so i couldnt loose my own money> coz up till yesterday i was proud id not been down in 5 years and took my chances as the big 10k tourneys when i could (still waiting)
all normal u might think
ME TOO> iv no probs with bad cards even if it "feels weird"
Just now i got a e-mail from this website saying u havnt been on-line here for ages (well about 3 years actually) & iv NEVER had that mail before.
and it just happened to be the day when i asked for my poker account to be blocked>?
i mean we all play poker> we think about the odds of things happening all the time.
out of 1000 days id had no e-mail from this site,
and out of 2500days id never asked for any poker account to be closed.
u can see where im coming from yea?
coz those games felt odd.
I had the best hands over and over and calculate if they hit my $400 loss would have been over $2000
i was playing way better, taking all the games, even if i had the worst cards.
then all off a sudden it was impossibe to finish any1 off.
if i got them all in with 100chips left, fine. id hold up, but all i couldnt hit.
there was one game i got a guy down to 50chips and he doubled up every time regardless of the cards and turned me over. and i didnt tilt it> i stayed solid> it took over 1/2 to finish the game fromt hat point.
it all felt wrong.
i wonder
i just wonder.
thats all im saying

iv been playing poker for 5 years on and off.
i play well, i usualy build up into the $100 from $30 and have got above $500 a good few times and can win any kinda game u sit me at over time my cards are better.
Its just im rubbish at cashing out (ie- i always forget that part)
yesterday i droped a lot (i was into my 3rd week after a 6month break)
& i droped a couple of hundred after building well for 2 weeks
then i deposited and dropped another 200 of my own cash.
and at the time i felt like no matter what i did the wrong thing would happen, like the system had picked up on something about me and didnt want me to win.
i know this is irrational.
today i asked to get my account blocked. so i couldnt loose my own money> coz up till yesterday i was proud id not been down in 5 years and took my chances as the big 10k tourneys when i could (still waiting)
all normal u might think
ME TOO> iv no probs with bad cards even if it "feels weird"
Just now i got a e-mail from this website saying u havnt been on-line here for ages (well about 3 years actually) & iv NEVER had that mail before.
and it just happened to be the day when i asked for my poker account to be blocked>?
i mean we all play poker> we think about the odds of things happening all the time.
out of 1000 days id had no e-mail from this site,
and out of 2500days id never asked for any poker account to be closed.
u can see where im coming from yea?
coz those games felt odd.
I had the best hands over and over and calculate if they hit my $400 loss would have been over $2000
i was playing way better, taking all the games, even if i had the worst cards.
then all off a sudden it was impossibe to finish any1 off.
if i got them all in with 100chips left, fine. id hold up, but all i couldnt hit.
there was one game i got a guy down to 50chips and he doubled up every time regardless of the cards and turned me over. and i didnt tilt it> i stayed solid> it took over 1/2 to finish the game fromt hat point.
it all felt wrong.
i wonder
i just wonder.
thats all im saying