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FL puts me on monkey tilt



Silver Level
Apr 16, 2007
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I just remembered why I stopped playing FL in the first place and got into SNG and NL ring: it puts me on moneky tilt and it's not even funny. Maybe it's because of the swings and the constant playing of crap postflop + not being able to really give incorrect odds for your opponent to chase, but I can drop 2-3 buy-ins in an hour at NL and get sucked on for all my chips with KK<QQ preflop and that doesn't move me, but with limit, having my AA cracked in a huge pot when the board is J9AT8 and 5 people came along after it was capped on the flop and only one guy has like a 7 for runner runner makes me see red.

Any tips apart from the old sayings that really don't help (ie. stop playing when you tilt, control your anger, you put your money in good, etc.). Switch to FR instead of 6-max even if it's full of nits and my hourly rate will be like .5ptBB since I play semi-horrible ?


Silver Level
Oct 15, 2007
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I have completely forgotten how to play fixed limit well. I only play it in the rare cases I play HORSE.

I think you should consider playing multiple tables and chase with good draws and consider folding top pairs when everyone is in the hand. If you play enough tables (say 10-100:D ), you might overcome your boredom and tilt.

The only thing worse than Holdem FL I have played is Omaha FL. Both games are conducive to drawing and when eveyrybody draws, the difference between the worst and best player becomes very small.


Silver Level
Apr 16, 2007
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Yeah, I might try to multitable FR FL, but the thing is, FR is a lot nittier (and better) IMHO than 6max where you get at least 2 action junkies per table thus insuring that even if you have a swingy session, you'll have an ATM nearby for those times when you get two barelled with top set on a dry board and have a call when you cap river after c/r turn. And i can't really multitable 6max a lot yet (2 tables or 3 at the max, but even with 3, my play becomes downright putrid). I feel like I need to get PAHUD now.


Silver Level
Apr 16, 2007
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Plus, I monkey tilt wether I'm winning or not and so far, in a couple sessions, I've won a fair (to insane) amount everytime but I've made grave and reckless mistakes nonetheless: peeling HU OOP pot with 3rd pair and backdoor flush against obvious TPTK anyone ?


plays poker on hard mode
Silver Level
May 16, 2006
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monkey tilt is fitting for the monkey poo flinging that is limit hold em


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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Read Small Stakes Hold'em if you haven't. It literally changed me from a wild, swingy player to a consistent winner. It doesn't apply perfectly to 6-max (which is what I play too), but does apply to the looseness of the micro limits. Lots of good stuff on value betting, protecting your hand, how often certain hands hold up, what hands to play when - a lot of which you'll be surprised with.

Otherwise, post some hands. I haven't seen a FL hand from you yet in HA.


Silver Level
Dec 30, 2006
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FL has become my cash game of choice over the last couple months, at 6 max tables. I enjoy tje fast action and am unlearning a lot of the rigid way I was taught to play the game. It's been consistently, not hugely, profitable. But the upside is, it cuts down on variance issues,too.

Holdem Poker for Advanced Players helped my overall approach to the game, and supplied food for thought re/ pot odds,etc.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Nov 4, 2007
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For some reason Fulltilt puts me on major tilt.....My pocket aces get beat all the time for some reason.......


Silver Level
Apr 16, 2007
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I posted some hands for analysis a couple of times here (.25/.50 at the time), but now I usually post them... elsewhere. If you can put 2+2 together, you'll see what I mean ;) But yeah, I,ll try to post some of them here too, can't hurt.


Silver Level
Nov 20, 2007
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What about position? Ya know, I think it's just as important in FL as NL. Did you bet and raise from early position? How were the calls?

I can see your situation happening thusly: You're in 1st position with AA. You raise. Everyone calls until late position(maybe even BB). They haven't called by much at that point, they want to see the flop. Then the Button, SB, or BB raises. Well, you reraise(wanting to demonstrate the power of your hole cards). People call again, but it's because now, like it or not, they're in it. They only have to call by a little with every pass around the table until the cap's reached.

It keeps going like this, and only one or two people stand a real chance of winning. But the callers are all thinking "Well I only have to call by a bit, and look at the size of the pot!".

So I've taken to playing dead. For the most part, not even pushing until I'm pretty sure I have it made in the shade. Then I start to push. It seems like no matter how hard I raise, few people fold. By then they're married to their hole cards.

I know how it is. I've been there. I still sometimes fall under the spell of a gorgeous starting hand that magically turns from gold to poop, all between the flop and the river.

Oh yeah, and I fold more post-flop and less pre-flop now. I'm still a craptastic player, but I'm getting better :). You will too.

Just play possum.
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Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
Total posts
I posted some hands for analysis a couple of times here (.25/.50 at the time), but now I usually post them... elsewhere. If you can put 2+2 together, you'll see what I mean ;) But yeah, I,ll try to post some of them here too, can't hurt.

Yeah, sometimes CC gets in these kind of lulls where no one responds to HA threads. Can get frustrating. I usually try to post my input in any live threads that don't bore the hell out of me (I have KK and this guy is 3-betting me - what do I DOO??), but occasionally miss some.

If you post more, I'll try to reply more. FL hands especially get less replies here at CC, but we can try to change that :)


Silver Level
Apr 16, 2007
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What about position? Ya know, I think it's just as important in FL as NL. Did you bet and raise from early position? How were the calls?

I can see your situation happening thusly: You're in 1st position with AA. You raise. Everyone calls until late position(maybe even BB). They haven't called by much at that point, they want to see the flop. Then the Button, SB, or BB raises. Well, you reraise(wanting to demonstrate the power of your hole cards). People call again, but it's because now, like it or not, they're in it. They only have to call by a little with every pass around the table until the cap's reached.

It keeps going like this, and only one or two people stand a real chance of winning. But the callers are all thinking "Well I only have to call by a bit, and look at the size of the pot!".

So I've taken to playing dead. For the most part, not even pushing until I'm pretty sure I have it made in the shade. Then I start to push. It seems like no matter how hard I raise, few people fold. By then they're married to their hole cards.

I know how it is. I've been there. I still sometimes fall under the spell of a gorgeous starting hand that magically turns from gold to poop, all between the flop and the river.

Oh yeah, and I fold more post-flop and less pre-flop now. I'm still a craptastic player, but I'm getting better :). You will too.

Just play possum.

That is a grave mistake many player do (and that I still very much do, but in reverse, 3 betting hands that are slight favourite or huge underdogs, such as 55 or 66). Limit HE, by its very nature, is all about pushing your small edges: with AA, even UTG, you have a sure equity edge over any other player and that is why you should cap, for value the times it holds up and you win a nice pot (note, callign 3-bet might also be fine if you can disguise your hand againt 3-4 players). You are giving away reverse implied odds, but the guys calling 2BB little by little with 107o are practically throwing money at you too. But it's also true that big pairs lose value in comparison to NL.

In NL, this is why limp/raising can be correct, because if you are 100% sure somebody will raise you, it's better to disguise your hand for a while and get as much money in the pot when it gets back to you. FL, you should jam it with great hands unless you're getting into high stakes games where deception is much mroe important.

FL doesn't have this luxury, but it doesn't mean that capping with 6 others in the pot is wrong (it might be more swingy/variance prone, but it's not wrong). The example I gave happened (I was UTG), it's bad but I was still happy to get called while ahead since I got away for the minimum : I capped flop, b/c turn and c/c river sicne the pot was way to big to fold here. While I could've made much more had the board paired since anybody with two pairs, straight, lower FH is paying ME off.

And yeah Chuck, I'll try to post some FL hands here too, but CC is much more NL oriented. I remember psoting 7STHi hands when I first joined. Don't do that anymore ;)


Silver Level
Nov 20, 2007
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Maybe it's that I keep getting stuck at tables where one player keeps raising every hand?

Oh but it's tricky. I tried a bit last night. I left ahead but annoyed. There was one guy who called every single hand. Another who kept raising then when I saw what he was raising with it was well, let's just say hands I would fold.

Anyway, I'll try a bit tonight after I try to make some more at NL. I seem to do much better with NL than FL or PL Hold 'Em. But then it gets weird cuz I do better at Limit Omaha, and Stud. Haven't tried Razz for cash yet because nobody wants to play :(. I don't know if there's anything besides fixed limit Razz...


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
Total posts
Oh but it's tricky. I tried a bit last night. I left ahead but annoyed. There was one guy who called every single hand. Another who kept raising then when I saw what he was raising with it was well, let's just say hands I would fold.

I don't see what the problem is. These are the players you make your money off of. Would you prefer someone who played tight aggressive and didn't pay you off at all?

Simply value bet more hands against the calling stations, and reraise your premiums like hell when the LAGs get involved.
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