So after last night Ivey and Antonious have more than won back the money Isildur1 shook out of Durrrr. I imagine poor Tom is shaking his head since it might now be a little harder to win back the money since it is in stronger hands now.
I have to say, though the poker community has already heralded Isildur as the second coming of Stu Unger, the poker community in it's relative shortsightedness fails to see how vulnerable some of these guys are.
Ivey, Antonius and Dwan are among a new breed of players who have learned to balance variance and deep reads to make a maniac style win. There is no question they are talented. Lesser players cannot walk this tightrope without falling to their death.
But Isildur1 is indeed making the "old school" manics (haha old school) looks as conservative as Ivey made Brunson look. Last night when I saw Patrik and Ivey taking on the newcomer they seemed to be willing to fold an awful lot more than him. And guess what? The took 1.5mm from him. Maybe he really is the second coming of Ungar.
Something else I find amazing in all this. HSDatabase shows Dwan winning ~6mm online over 2007-2008. It also shows him losing ~6mm this year. Now don't yell at me. I am not saying he is broke. But it is all quite a spectacle, wouldn't you say?