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cards have changed



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 13, 2007
Total posts
when i was a kid growing up we all hung out a general store (which there is not many left today) allday long playing pinball machines.in the back of the store was a card room were the old guys would play and cuss each other.some times we would sneak in and watch the old guys play it was comical to say the least.i would say looking back now that way more then half of these men were retired and had nothing to do but play cards.im sure if they gave them away to get out the house and be around others of there own kind (old).the guy that ran the store aka card room was one of dads best friends.actally he baby sitted me and really to this day has not let forget that.what i saw in them days was people having fun playing cards something im not sure i have now.i understand change is good and them that can change will excel but not everyone is trying to reach a goal as such.sure id loved to be a better card player im sure we all would,but i think in tring to become a better card player i feel like i leave behind the meaning that i saw in them old guys.in the last couple years as tv and the net has came to the card world it has changed everything.im not saying its bad so dont start screaming i think its been good for cards.i watched the 2005 wsop lastnite were doyle won his 10 bracelet and i heard him make the remark many times the old time way.you can disagree with my words as im no one in the card world but you cant argue with doyles words.cards imo has and is going down hill in my eyes and the way i play.no im not gonna change my ways of old im still gonna play the way i always played and not be one of the lucky few that make the big time.i have played cards along time and im not broke and as in live play im sure im way up in my so called bankroll as it has become.the internet play makes me wanna grab some of these people and ring thier necks off for playing the way they do.all in on hands that i wouldnt give a second thought to even try to play in the postion thier in.in the last couple years at the casino i have seen players change to the point that its crazy.thier playing the same way i see online cards played and to me its sicken and a disgrace to cards.the card rooms are filled with wanna be card pros and some really thinking thier as good now.to me and speaking for only me its not as fun as it once was ( maybe take up fishing again).im not knocking anyone play the way you chose ill play my way and all the luck to you.im saying we are not all gonna become that great card star some of us have to lose to them.one more thing then ill shut up or stfu as its said now.i see all the formulas and tables figure charts,wiz books,pro chat,and all that is great to a point.in the end it is left up to patience and luck ill agree with that but also in the end if you spend all your time confusen your self with these figures your gonna miss what playing cards can bring you.oh yea the reason i call it CARDS instead of poker is because poker is just one game in the card world. i guess you cant learn an ole dog new tricks.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 13, 2007
Total posts
thank you regd87 you just prove what i said.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 12, 2008
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sorry, I tried to read it, I really did, but its hard when its all one block :p if you put it into two different paragraphs it would be a lot more appealing and you would get more response.


Silver Level
Sep 24, 2007
Total posts
yeah this needs cleaned up a little....like regd said i tried reading it too but it was a little hard...


Silver Level
Jan 11, 2008
Total posts
I read it, but it didn't make a ton of sense. There were too many spelling and grammar errors. I guess what he's trying to say is he likes to play "cards" like the old people and he hates us internet players.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 13, 2007
Total posts
maybe you can retype it for me.sorry for the many mistakes.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 12, 2008
Total posts

When I was a kid growing up we all hung out a general store (which there is not many left today) all day long playing pinball machines. In the back of the store was a card room were the old guys would play and cuss each other. Some times we would sneak in and watch the old guys play it was comical to say the least.

I would say looking back now that way more then half of these men were retired and had nothing to do but play cards, But Im sure if they gave them a way to get out the house and be around others of there own kind (old).

The guy that ran the store aka card room was one of my dads best friends. Actually he baby sitted me and really to this day has not let forget that. What I saw those days were people having fun playing cards something that I'm not sure I have now. I understand change is good and that change will excel but not everyone is trying to reach a goal as such.

Sure id loved to be a better card player I'm sure we all would,but I think in trying to become a better card player I feel like I leave behind the meaning that I saw in the old guys I used to watch.

In the last couple years as TV and the Internet has came to the card world it has changed everything. Im not saying its bad, so don't start screaming! I think its been good for cards.I watched the 2005 wsop lastnight where Doyle won his 10 bracelet and I heard him make the remark many times the old time way.

You can disagree with my words as I'm no one in the card world but you cant argue with Doyles words. Cards in my opinion has and is going down hill in my eyes and the way I play. I'm not gonna change my ways of old and I'm still gonna play the way I always played and not be one of the lucky few that make the big time.

I have played cards along time and I'm not broke, and in live play Im sure Im way up in my so called bankroll. The internet play makes me wanna grab some of these people and ring their necks off for playing the way they do. All in on hands that i wouldn't give a second thought to even try to play in the position their in.

In the last couple years at the casino. I have seen players change to the point that its crazy. their playing the same way I see online cards played and to me its sicken and a disgrace to cards. The card rooms are filled with wanna be card pros and some really thinking their as good now.

To me and speaking for only me its not as fun as it once was ( maybe take up fishing again). I'm not knocking anyone play the way you chose ill play my way and all the luck to you. I'm saying we are not all gonna become that great card star some of us have to lose to them.

One more thing then ill shut up or stfu as its said now. I see all the formulas and tables figure charts,wiz books,pro chat,and all that is great to a point.in the end it is left up to patience and luck ill agree with that but also in the end if you spend all your time confusing your self with these figures your gonna miss what playing cards can bring you.

Oh yea the reason I call it CARDS instead of poker is because poker is just one game in the card world. i guess you cant learn an ole dog new tricks.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Sep 2, 2007
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lol cheers reg. You say your angry i suppose in a way at the change in styles and it is ruining card games. Well everything evolves one way or anything as fields get bigger strategys have to change. Change makes the game more exciting as you have to adapt your style to different games. It would be boring if it was the same all of the time. You should embrace the change and have fun trying to find solutions.

Also if your refferring to all card games. Games like blackjack, snap, cheat, eliminator, gin, havnt changed so badically you are on about poker, not cards
Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
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lol ty for the edit with paragraphs.

i agree completely with OP, BAD PLAYERS ARE DESTROYING OUR poker games! imo we should start a petition to get all fish immediately banned from ever setting foot in a casino or on the internets poker sites ever again! casinos should force everyone to sit a poker iq test before letting them sit at a table, and only people who score 120 or higher should be allowed to play BECAUSE THE HORIBLE DONKFISH ARE DESTROYING THE NOBLE ART OF POKERS IMHO!


Silver Level
Jan 8, 2008
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he does make a good point... alot of new players have almost no clue what they are doing and push alot with atc... but just wait those fools out... they are going to pay you in the long run
Egon Towst

Egon Towst

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jun 26, 2006
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Thanks to Reg for the secretarial work. :)

What Dorkus said - I concur.

I am no spring chicken, and I have been playing cards (Poker, Blackjack, Bridge, you name it) since I was a school kid 30 years ago.

I`ll tell you what the big difference is today, Max. There are about a thousand times as many idiots just itching to hand over their money to us old-timers who can actually play the game.

When will people realise that you make money at poker when the opponent makes a mistake.


Silver Level
Aug 12, 2005
Total posts
That cardroom was a gathering place. It could have been a barbershop just as easily
Old men, like me will always look for a place to go and be with other old men. Cardroom, barbershop, Off track betting parlor, pool hall it doesn't matter. We will be there reading a paper or a raceform or cards. Plunking down a dollar or two and taking a chance and telling the rest of the world how it's done. Even if the only one listening is ourselves. It's not about the money and never was for us it's about companionship and fellowship with our brothers. It's a tradition as old as time.:):)


Broomcorn's uncle
Bronze Level
Aug 6, 2007
Total posts
The internet play makes me wanna grab some of these people and ring their necks off for playing the way they do. All in on hands that i wouldn't give a second thought to even try to play in the position their in.

One more thing then ill shut up or stfu as its said now. I see all the formulas and tables figure charts,wiz books,pro chat,and all that is great to a point.in the end it is left up to patience and luck ill agree with that but also in the end if you spend all your time confusing your self with these figures your gonna miss what playing cards can bring you.

Two things:

Doyle's been known to shove all in with similar "wouldn't give a second thought" cards - hell, he's the one that taught people today how to do it, and

Doyle's knows all the "confusing figures" too

I can see what you're getting at, but I think you're over-romanticising the past too. Casinos are different places to the back room at the corner store. Always have been, always will be.