Silver Level
Good evening or Good morning where ever you may find yourself today.:wavey:
I have a question some what pertaining to the thread of eliminating chasers but kind of wanted a thread for this:
What hands do you consider chaseable?
You know the line in the song the Gambler I'm sure: Every hand is a winner and every hand is a loser..... I know not every hand is hit on the flop ahhhhh maybe in a perfect world but alas we know Poker isn't perfect :icon_tong
example(Semi hypothetical) Blinds 50/100 A 9 suited Hearts......... I guess it doesn't really matter what position your in really unless there has been a raise or a reraise. For the sake of argument your 2 seats behind the button you raise to $200. 2 callers.
Flop comes :
BB bets 400. ......... Your next to act...... You have top pair and a Nut flush draw......... is this worth the chase for another 400.? Do you call? Raise him to see if he is bluffing?
Or is time to fold and say Next........
(BTW is this hand even worth getting into if there were more than 2 callers?)
This hand didn't happen to me I made it up and maybe I made it kind of strange (it's late here and been up a long time lol) I guess what I am wondering if you had four cards to the NUTS whether it be a str8t, flush, str8t flush or even a decent two pair to maybe hit that runner for the full house is it worth it if it isn't going to kill your stack? Now I know there are many possiblities with this..(I'm just not a numbers person like I used to be)
Basically what I am asking is what's your opinion on what you chase and to what extent you will go to chase it?
I did have something similiar happen to me on AP this evening on a Omaha H/L freeroll..... I was holdng the nut str8t & str8t flush draw(which I had on the flop) I just had to see the river but it cost me quite a bit. I lost the hand but I REALLY wanted to see if I could hit that Str8t Flush.
If you can't understand this post :icon_scra I do understand since I have been up for almost 20 hours str8t and am getting ready to head to
after I finish this what I thought might be a good post when I first saw the other thread.
IrishDave, Buckster anybody HELP! I want to know and learn more about this.
I have a question some what pertaining to the thread of eliminating chasers but kind of wanted a thread for this:
What hands do you consider chaseable?
You know the line in the song the Gambler I'm sure: Every hand is a winner and every hand is a loser..... I know not every hand is hit on the flop ahhhhh maybe in a perfect world but alas we know Poker isn't perfect :icon_tong
example(Semi hypothetical) Blinds 50/100 A 9 suited Hearts......... I guess it doesn't really matter what position your in really unless there has been a raise or a reraise. For the sake of argument your 2 seats behind the button you raise to $200. 2 callers.
Flop comes :
Or is time to fold and say Next........
(BTW is this hand even worth getting into if there were more than 2 callers?)
This hand didn't happen to me I made it up and maybe I made it kind of strange (it's late here and been up a long time lol) I guess what I am wondering if you had four cards to the NUTS whether it be a str8t, flush, str8t flush or even a decent two pair to maybe hit that runner for the full house is it worth it if it isn't going to kill your stack? Now I know there are many possiblities with this..(I'm just not a numbers person like I used to be)
Basically what I am asking is what's your opinion on what you chase and to what extent you will go to chase it?
I did have something similiar happen to me on AP this evening on a Omaha H/L freeroll..... I was holdng the nut str8t & str8t flush draw(which I had on the flop) I just had to see the river but it cost me quite a bit. I lost the hand but I REALLY wanted to see if I could hit that Str8t Flush.
If you can't understand this post :icon_scra I do understand since I have been up for almost 20 hours str8t and am getting ready to head to
IrishDave, Buckster anybody HELP! I want to know and learn more about this.