Silver Level
been trying to teach a friend about how to play small-ball poker, if you want a definition on this go to this thread here https://www.cardschat.com/forum/cash-games-11/pitfalls-playing-solid-agressive-poker-93517/ and go to the last post you can see videos I put up for it. The thing is I have been playing this style for awhile now, not as good as Daniel obviously but its how I like to bet. People ask me why I bet so small when I put a hand up and this is why, its how I play.
well today my friend busted out of a tourney and was all upset and I could not figure out why. I asked him to tell me where he played incorrectly and he told me he should of raised more with his AK so the 4-4 did not shove in on him. Again I could not figure this out, the 44 shove was about 1/3 of our stack so I thought that was a silly comment for him to make. He said if we raise more then he would of folded which now means we would become predictable. It would be like ok he has raised 2.5-3x the blind over and over again and now he raises 5x, of course he will fold now and you pick up the blinds.
he also said a memeber of this forum that I respect a lot told him to worry about cashing 1st and winning 2nd......wtf is that all about. That is horrible advice, If we just want to cash why are we joining this tourney? we should be looking for 1st every single time we join a tourney. I mean if we just try to cash we are going to blind ourselves down and we need to maintain a stack and look like a maniac that plays too many hands. We are not that maniac but it is the image we project. The truth is no one will be able to put us on hands and we will be risking very little but the payouts will be huge.
well today my friend busted out of a tourney and was all upset and I could not figure out why. I asked him to tell me where he played incorrectly and he told me he should of raised more with his AK so the 4-4 did not shove in on him. Again I could not figure this out, the 44 shove was about 1/3 of our stack so I thought that was a silly comment for him to make. He said if we raise more then he would of folded which now means we would become predictable. It would be like ok he has raised 2.5-3x the blind over and over again and now he raises 5x, of course he will fold now and you pick up the blinds.
he also said a memeber of this forum that I respect a lot told him to worry about cashing 1st and winning 2nd......wtf is that all about. That is horrible advice, If we just want to cash why are we joining this tourney? we should be looking for 1st every single time we join a tourney. I mean if we just try to cash we are going to blind ourselves down and we need to maintain a stack and look like a maniac that plays too many hands. We are not that maniac but it is the image we project. The truth is no one will be able to put us on hands and we will be risking very little but the payouts will be huge.