Silver Level
Everyone and his dog plays No Limit Hold'em these days, but anyone regularly play Pot Limit?
The only times I played were
a) when it was impossible to get onto the the NL Holdem play money sit+goes at Party (had a period where I decided to stay off the real money but needed a fix
)... seemed to do OK there; wasn't really any different to the NL tourneys
b) the cash games. Once. Don't know if I got a really tough table or something, but these guys were fierce, I got a few bad beats, and I lost 2 or 3 buy-ins in a row. Played pretty much the same technique as in NL, where I usually hold my own.
I don't intend to play much pot limit hold'em, but compared to NL are there any differences in strategy, hand selection etc I should think about?
The only times I played were
a) when it was impossible to get onto the the NL Holdem play money sit+goes at Party (had a period where I decided to stay off the real money but needed a fix
b) the cash games. Once. Don't know if I got a really tough table or something, but these guys were fierce, I got a few bad beats, and I lost 2 or 3 buy-ins in a row. Played pretty much the same technique as in NL, where I usually hold my own.
I don't intend to play much pot limit hold'em, but compared to NL are there any differences in strategy, hand selection etc I should think about?