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Playing crap from the big blind



Silver Level
Aug 5, 2007
Total posts
I was playing a live game and a situation came up that has come up in a few more serious situations before that got me thinking. I am sitting bb with K,3, the table is 6 handed, and by the time the pre flop action gets to me there are two others in the pot. I check and the flop brings 10,J,Q rainbow, I am first to act (sb folded) and since I am on an open ended straight draw I bet the pot ($6ish) well my villain calls and the guy after him folds. Turn brings a 2, a card that I assume doesn't help villain so I make a continuation bet and my villain pushes all in...
When it is all said and done the villain has paired his k,2, but this isn't a boo hoo bad beat story so my question is, can I do anything to prevent this in the future? My only thought is that maybe I should have been the one to push, but I can't imagine someone with that weak of a hand sticking around for that long. Should I have raised pre flop maybe?


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Sep 4, 2007
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Don't bet the pot with nothing but a straight draw? Especially don't do it TWICE. You are beat by just about anything you are going to be called with.

Your opponent played the hand poorly as well but that's no excuse.


Silver Level
Apr 16, 2007
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Why did you bet while being first to act here ? We have a marginal drawing hand since we could very well already be behind (to 89, AK, wich is unlikely due to limp, a pair, two pairs, etc.) and are chopping somewhat often. I prefer a more passive c/c line here so the other villains can pad the pot up somewhat if we hit, because betting here opens us to getting raised/priced out or putting more money in relation to the size of the pot. Plus, if it gets bet/raised before it gets back to us, we save money by folding.

On the turn, I might be tempted to let it go to action, since someone with a pair and the same draw as us (K2, K3, KT, KJ, Q9, etc.) might be in front and our K is almost never good if we pair due to str8 filling up and people already being paired or having us outkicked.

Playing an open ended multiway with 3 coordinated cards on board is tricky and can be costly if you take it too far.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Sep 4, 2007
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Oh, and absolutely NO NO NO to any raises or to pushing first. Once he called your post flop bet (which you shouldn't have made but did) you shouldn't be putting another penny into this hand unless you make your straight.


Silver Level
Aug 5, 2007
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This particular game was played with a group that I always play with, so I felt comfortable with the fact that neither of them showed strength pre flop, my train of thought was to price them out of the pot and try to finish it right there.
Im thinking that instead I should have checked the flop, and folded if anyone tried to bet?
What do you do if you do make the hand but its possible that someone does have you beat like with A,K?


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 28, 2007
Total posts
For something like that, espically where if you complete your hand, you are gonna be top hand.(Like the Ace high straight, or Ace high flush) is a chk-raise preflop, and chk the turn, trying to see a free river card. If chk after you on the flop so your first to act on a "rags" turn for both you and the board, you can then make a small continuation bet that they can call with middle pair or a worse draw then you. If raised anything that would take you out of correct pot odds to call, then make the fold and it only cost you a continuation bet.
River that missed you after a cont bet you have options based on your oppents actions so far, did he miss his draw? is there pair, really the "rag" on the turn that you bet on, that they called? Will they fold that?
Did they flop trips or two pair and scared of the draw that just missed, will you get pushed upon if you make another "value" bet? W/ever the case may be, pushing is usually NOT the way to go. Chk-folding may be, hey you saw the full board for one continuation bet, or one re-raise.

As for the topic itself, Playing crap from the BB... Learning to use the squeeze play agaist a loose raiser and caller or two can pay off. Provided it won't risk your stack to much. min-raiseing a small pot of 1 or 2 pppl, then cont betting the flop no matter what with probley a 1/2 to 3/4 size pot bet against tight ppl may work. When small raised to you in a shortgame against ppl you know, start mixing it up more, reraise and chk-fold bad flops like it was no big thing, rerasie and chk-push on someone you know just did a cont bet, reraise and chk-call flop and bet turn. If you get them thinking twice about raiseing your BB cause they don't know how you are gonna play it, the less likely you will have to be forced to play crap from the BB and it will be pretty easy fold or reraise situations.