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help in different aspects of my game



Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 1, 2006
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I play mostly SNG tournies on poker stars. I do pretty well. I feel my skill level is above average and get respect from live players that I play with. I think my stats are a little above average in SNG's... actually to be honest I have no idea at what is average, below average, or great.

I have played 210 games, my average profit is $10, average stake is $25, Average ROI is 34% and my total profit is $1677. My ROI percents go up as my stakes go up... at $10 - 36%, $20 - 30%, $30 - 44%, $40 - 57%, and $50 - 70%. those are all round abouts that I get from sharkscope.

I was wondering if someone that understands the stats a little better, would help me out. Would the stats say that I am an average or above average player?

I have mismanaged my bankroll just like many others. I do not have the bankroll to play the $50 and $100 SNG incase of a really bad streak, even though at this time I know that I have been playing very well in them.

If I could get some insight on how some of you manage your bankroll that would also help me very well... thank you in advance for taking the time.

Royal Rick


Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
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Sorry Royal Rick, I gave you rep for a great post, but I can't help with that problem as I can't manage my bankroll well either. Perhaps a more learned member can be more help. Don't give up on us yet RR!


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
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OK OK, ill give this one a shot. I'll assume that your talking about a $1600 BR (Bank-Roll) here. Your currently playing solely $25 single table sit and go's right ?

These are very general guidelines, and are on the conservative side, the higher limits you play you will find tougher competition so you should have a more "protected" BR, that is allow for bigger swings.

You also need strict guidelines so that when you start to lose money at a particular level that you step down the limits to re-build. So here goes.

Sit and go's should really be played with between 3-8 % of your BR, ill assume 5% as a general rule, and you shouldnt really be playing one that is over 10%. So you could easly be playing games between $50-$100 fairly comfortably, again if you find 10% of your BR invovled in one game, step down.

MTT Tourneys- NO more that 2%, the swings in these are huge, the big wins are fantastic but they can be few and far between even for a quality player, so MTT's between $20-$30 should be ideal here.

Limit Ring- 300BB is the rule of thumb, so to give yourself a protected BR here you should be playing $2/$4.

N/L Ring - I count this as the number of MAX buy-in at a particular level, remember that one session can leave you broke here if you choose the wrong limits, i recomment 15MAX buy-in as the requirement so you could be playing $100MAX N/L tables.

Hope this helps, now this advise can vary vastly from person to person, it depends on your style of play, ie a tight player does not need as big a buffer as a loose aggressive one.
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
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There's not all that much to say about this really. Of course, to answer your question, if you're an above average player, is easy: The average player loses money playing SnGs, so since you've won over 210 played, you must be above average.

When it comes to bankroll management, there are too many variables involved to give any conclusive answer to how to manage them both. But let's give it a shot.

Answer the following questions:

1. What's your primary reason for playing poker? Money, competition, entertainment, showing off, etc. Can be more than one.

2. If you lose all your money, are you comfortable restocking your bankroll with other means?

3. Do you have any set goals for yourself?

Sometimes the best questions don't get answered, but that's because the best questions usually require more thought. I'm sorry it took so long.

Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
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RoyalRick18 said:
I was wondering if someone that understands the stats a little better, would help me out. Would the stats say that I am an average or above average player?
The stats say your sample size is too small.

Come back after playing 1k SnGs and post again - an ROI for 210 is still not anywhere near an accurate reflection on your 'true' ROI.

Stick to one or two limits too. Say you start with a $1k bankroll, you should be playing the $22s until you hit ~$1500, then the $33s until you hit $2k, and so on - although you should only move up when you feel comfortable and are a proven winner at a level (again, 210 is too small a sample size to judge anything, after 1k SnGs you will usually be within a few % of your 'true' ROI).


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 13, 2005
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Return of investment.
How much you in average get back for every dollar you use to buy in with.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 17, 2005
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The sample is way to small especially if we consider that a super strong opponent at the 50$ and above level would have 25 to 30% ROI top. With 70% ROI 2 things are going on, you havent played enough sit n goes at that level or you ran extremly hot . If you where to keep a 70% ROI over 1000 or 10000 sit n goes, you would be consider online's strongest sit n go player ^_^ . Ideal stats for you are 45 to 50% ITM and ROI of 22 to 30%

The guideline i use for bankroll is I play in a level until i make 100 buy ins of the mini im playing, so at the 10 dollar level i played until i had 1000, then played 20 dollar minis until 2000 :) . This is considered very solid and precatious but i personally think is good, My stats are 48% itm and had a ROI of 25% but then went 20 sit n goes without cashing, gotta be carefull of bad runs.


Silver Level
Mar 26, 2006
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Thanks for the definition osmann, kept seeing that ROI and was never sure what it meant!


Silver Level
Jun 8, 2005
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Keep in mind that the guidelines for bankroll size vs buyin are just that - guidelines. For example, if you have $1000 and want to take a shot or two at $100+10 MTTs, you can certainly do so; it's just not good to jump to that level full-time. On the other hand, if you're not comfortable consistently investing more than say $10 in a single tournament, then don't, even if your bankroll exceeds the guideline. Try a few, and move up if you get comfortable enough.
Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
Total posts
Arjonius said:
Keep in mind that the guidelines for bankroll size vs buyin are just that - guidelines. For example, if you have $1000 and want to take a shot or two at $100+10 MTTs, you can certainly do so; it's just not good to jump to that level full-time.

I would not recommend this as you'd be almost certain to be playing scared, whether consciously or not.
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