Rising Star
Silver Level
I dunno what it is about AK but it never works for me and its costing me badly, i'll put in a raise 2-4xthe bb get called and the flop totally misses me and then i don't know wether to put in a continuation bet or just check or if someone bets before me call or fold. i usually stay with it and then the turn will miss me, the worst is when i put in a big raise pre-flop and someone re-raises all-in, i call and their pocket pair holds up to beat me. Even when one of the cards does hit you've only got a pair and usually end up getting beaten by something better. I don't think any other hand has cost me more money in cash games and knocked me out out of more tournaments than ak, i just never seem to know where i am with this hand. Any advice on how to play this hand and is it always correct to call all-in with it?